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Lifestyles: How to Handle Being Overlooked?

It happens all the time in different situations in our lives; being overlooked. We get overlooked for promotions, for family recognition, and just about everything else. So, how to handle being overlooked? It’s not every day a parent has to bow down before his son or daughter.

It’s not frequent where older siblings have to do the same. However, it does and did happen in the case of Jesse the Bethlehemite to David his son, and with Jacob and Joseph. During Joseph’s childhood, he would have these dreams and in these dreams or visions, he saw himself ruling in the greatest country on the earth at the time, Egypt.

And as he ruled, he saw his family come up and bow before him in honor. These dreams, of course, made his brothers pretty frustrated and also angered and frustrated his father. Nevertheless, this story of Joseph and his brothers, as well as his father, can stir up some wisdom we can utilize in our lives.

How to Handle Being Overlooked?

We can borrow this story and add to our own repertoire on how to handle this situation. What is this situation? It is when God anoints someone who we perceive to be “beneath us” (which is wrong anyway) or of lower stature to us in this so-called society.

When we see that God is honoring someone such as our daughter or son, a younger sibling, or someone we mentored in business or in a particular craft, instead of reacting as Joseph’s brothers did in this situation, which was with jealousy, envy, and a bit of anger and frustration; we can proceed with joy and happiness for their promotion.

Even Saul, the first king of Israel, saw that the Lord was with David and it frustrated and angered him to no end. Actually, there was an end, it was the end of his life. Had he embraced David, perhaps things would have gone totally different than what actually took place.

Humility begins when we don’t look down on others…

Jesse the Bethlehemite did not have jealousy or an envious bone towards David’s anointing (at least recorded in the scripture), He was happy for his baby son. His brothers maybe initially were frustrated but they also jumped on the bandwagon. They accepted the fact that their baby brother was chosen by the Sovereign LORD to be King over Israel.

In Joseph’s case, they did not give their brother a chance to live out the dream in front of them. But what God means for you or for someone else will be established if that person continues in faith to follow that dream, purpose, and desire.

So how do we handle a situation where a subordinate, a younger sibling, or a child is promoted over us and we don’t like it. We don’t fully enjoy the fact that they are higher esteemed in society than we are, what do we do? It is best to embrace it as a true family member should and would.

We Don’t Want to End up killing anyone?

We thank God that someone close to us was chosen for this position. And we support them, we love them, and we offer any support we can to them. It may not be easy because the feeling of being overlooked or the natural feeling humans have of feeling jealous and envious of others, who are being lifted up will kick in.

This is when we have to remain spiritual and understand that what God has for them is for them, and what God has for us is for us. When this is adopted we won’t take matters into our own hands and possibly kill our brother like Cain. We will not stomp on our son, like Herod, or destroy a coworker, like Haman.

Acts like that emit negative energy or as they say in modern days negative karma that will come back and take a form of vengeance against us in our life. Love your neighbor, love your brother, love your children, love your associations, as you would love yourself.

This is the true story of Joseph and his brothers. Because no matter what, what you mean for evil God will still find a way to make for good! You may as well do good also.


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  1. I thank God for reading this email because I received a soul healing a good fasting for which u call fake fasting coz I cannot do the real one i have ulcer it kills me if I didnt eat i thank the power of the Lord Jesus Christ amen

    • Hey Nomalungatutu, praise God for you. I am thankful for your soul healing good fasting. I fake fast all the time, we do what we can to the kindness and mercy of the Almighty. Blessings upon you. BTW the fake fast comment was in this post… weary and tired – click here

      Minister Nehemiah

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