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Matthew Chapter 1 Summary: Chapter Summaries

Can you say New Testament chapter summaries? Welcome to Matthew chapter 1 summary. This chapter simply begins with the book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.

Important ancestral names are here that we should recognize from the Old Testament. Names such as Isaac, Jacob, Judah, Phares, Boaz, Jesse, David the king, and Solomon. Not to mention Josaphat, Asa, and Zorobabel, just to name a few.

Ultimately, the Holy Messiah was born to one Mary and Joseph. The generations from Abraham to David were fourteen generations, as was from David to the carrying away to Babylon, and from Babylon to the Messiah.

Matthew Chapter 1 Summary

That means from Abraham to Jesus birth were forty-two (42) generations. Interesting! The chapter transitions to the birth of Jesus the Christ, mainly about his parents. Mary became pregnant through the Holy Spirit, which meant she did not have any help from Joseph.

Joseph was a good man and did not want to make a public example of her (i.e embarrass her, possibly even have her stoned), so he nicely and privately told her the relationship was over.

However, he got to thinking over the entire situation and his relationship with her, her family background, and the type of young lady she was. This cause an angel of the LORD to pay him a visit in a dream.

The angel of the LORD informed him he should marry her and the child came as prophesied through the Holy Ghost. They would have a son, call him Yashua (Jesus), and most importantly, know that the child will save His people from their sins.

This fulfilled prophecy that a virgin will have a child called Emmanuel, meaning God with us. When Joseph woke frm this dream, he did everything the angel of the LORD required him to do.

This is the summary of Matthew chapter 1, glory to Emmanuel, Jesus Christ.


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