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Judges Chapter 6 Summary: Chapter Summaries

Judges chapter 6 summary is going to tell us about a man who judged Israel named Gideon. The chapter began as the Israelites turned away from God, returning to their evil ways in the sight of the LORD.

Because of this, God delivered them into the hands of the Midianites for seven years. The Midianites took everything from Israel, and Israel became greatly impoverished because of the Midianites. The Israelites did what they would normally do when oppressed; they went crying to God for help.

God sent them a prophet who told them what they did and remind them of all the good works God has done for them. Next, an angel was sent to a man named Gideon, a mighty man of valor.

Gideon asked the angel why all the hardship had fallen on Israel. The LORD told him to go in all his might and save Israel from the Midianites. The Sovereign LORD asked him, “haven’t I sent you,” therefore go with confidence.

Judges Chapter 6 Summary

If God sent you, you should go with confidence. Gideon was worried because he was from a poor family within his tribe, Manasseh, on top of this, he considered himself the lowest person in his father’s house.

Nevertheless, the LORD told him that God was with him and that is more than enough. Gideon still wanted a sign that he was communing with the LORD, and asked the LORD to wait for him to prepare some food.

The angel jumped into the fire he set and departed. Gideon realized he was in the presence of the LORD’s angel. God then directed him on what to do next. He was commanded to destroy the platforms of the gods Baal that were in his father’s house.

Then he set up a sacrifice for the God of Israel. The next morning, his father’s house was upset at the vandalism, and while they were upset, they did nothing against Gideon. They didn’t touch him because he was a mighty man.

He began to be called Jerubbaal because they said let Baal plead against Gideon. The chapter concludes as Gideon gathered an army and had God give him one more bit of assurance, and then prepared to deliver Israel.

This is the summary of Judges chapter 6, glory to Yah.


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  1. Oji Kalu Oji Kalu

    God bless you for this wonderful summary. More grace

    • Thank you Oji, praise the Eternal Father, more grace to you also.

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