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Judges Chapter 5 Summary: Chapter Summaries

Judges chapter 5 summary began as Deborah and Barak sang praises to their God. Why were they singing praises? It was because their God had allowed them to overcome their enemies.

Joyful times arose when Deborah arose in Israel as a mother. She sang the historical records and praises to the LORD God. She cursed those who did not come to help Israel and bless those that did, namely Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite.

Judges Chapter 5 Summary

They even gloated over Sisera, the Canaanite captain, and how his mother was waiting for him to return home. It’s just that he wouldn’t return because he was killed and not even in battle.

After they sang, they prayed all of Israel’s enemies to perish but for those who love the LORD, they should be like the sun when it shines in his mightiest form. The chapter gave subtle references to the prophecy of the LORD and His return, as it pertained to Mt. Seir or Edom (see studies for this).

The chapter concluded with a note that Israel had rest from their enemies for forty years. This is Judges chapter 5 summary, glory to the MOST HIGH GOD.


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