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Esau’s Marriage a Grief to Isaac and Rebekah

Esau’s Marriage a Grief to Isaac and Rebekah: A lesson about marriage and family values through the story of Esau and his wives. Esau, a grandson of Abraham, should have taken wisdom from Abraham on who to marry. Abraham went through great extents to make sure Isaac did not marry the Canaanites. However, Esau went head-first into the family of the Canaanite.

Genesis 26:34-35 KJV

[34] And Esau was forty years old when he took to wife Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and Bashemath the daughter of Elon the Hittite: [35] Which were a grief of mind unto Isaac and to Rebekah.

Brief Comments

Esau, the firstborn to Isaac and Rebekah, did not take heed to a lot of things in the family’s custom and order. While Abraham made a big deal to marry from his own tribe and people, Esau did not. Esau took a more liberal approach to life.

He ate what he wanted, he did not think long term, he did not follow family values, and he didn’t have a lot of integrity to his word. Abraham stayed away from the Canaanites because he was promised their land. He understood the prophesies that the Canaanites would become servants or deceased.

Thus, there was no point in making leagues and marriages with them. Abraham passed this onto Isaac, who also was wedded to a Syrian from back home. Although Isaac’s marriage was arranged, he still did as his father commanded.

Esau Married Judith and Bashemath

Isaac most likely taught his sons the same, which Jacob upheld, but Esau didn’t. Esau married a daughter named Judith of Beeri the Hittite. He also had more than one wife, marrying the daughter of Elon (not Elon Musk) the Hittite and her name was Bashemath.

The scripture says that these marriages were a grief of mind to both Isaac and Rebekah. For Rebekah, it is said that Esau’s wives made her life bitter and grievous. The wrong spouse can do that so pick your spouse with wisdom.

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  1. Angela Angela

    This was a good study, as I was reading wondered why? I came upon this site . Thank you Soo much

    • Praise the Almighty, Angela. What did you think about Esau’s marriage being a grief to Isaac and Rebeka?

  2. Cynthia Cynthia

    The Bible is full of shadows and types leading us to Christ. One can even say that Jacob being chosen over Esau was a first cross of three way before the 3 on Calvary. And it was done by deception, but desired by God as spoken to Rebekkah…” the elder shall serve the younger”. Did Esau intentionally defy his grandfather’s teaching or desires by marrying canaanite women? Did he feel betrayed by his mother, brother and grandfather because he didn’t get his promised first born birthright? Or, did he simply fall in love with whom he fell in love with? Joseph married an Egyptian woman while he was in bandage in Egypt and had 2 sons.

    • Hey Cynthia, it was probably all of the above. However, there are no direct works to give a direct answer.

      Minister Koko

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