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Lifestyles: Forgiveness is Key

Lifestyles Forgiveness is Key

Forgiveness is Key

Number Nine, to fix the world community, forgiveness is key and vengeance belongs to the Creator. No longer are we to go tit for tat with our brother and sister, but instead, we are to forgive and extend mercy to them, exceeding our normal level of love and charity so we are God-like.

Individuals, families, and communities are breaking down or have been broken because of someone’s prideful inability to forgive. Because of someone’s prideful inability to take a higher road, they turn to execute vengeance or revenge on someone else.

These are the things that continue to destroy the world community. Avoid this nasty spiritual disease injected into communities by wickedness in high places.

To learn how to forgive isn’t easy, and this is why it takes deliberate practice and group support to learn this crucially important element.

Key Benefits of Forgiveness

All the great teachers teach this virtue, including the Greatest One, Jesus Christ. Aside from it being crucial for improving communities and social relationships, forgiving is good for one’s own health.

Forgiving others helps one’s anger, and the ability to moderate and control anger better. Forgiving improves mental health and overall physical health, and it also improves sleep.

Anger is not good for the health, as it bothers hormonal levels, but forgiving helps with that thus improving the heart. You’ve heard people say someone has got their blood pressure up; forgiving keeps it down.

There is plenty research on the benefits of forgiving, and this is why it certainly needs to be a part of your lifestyle. Forgiveness is key, and we must not forget all of its many benefits.


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  1. Betty Kinney Betty Kinney

    Forgiveness will keep a smile on your face. It takes more effort to frown than it does to smile. Frowning disfigures the face and makes you look old quicker. Smile and perhaps some of the world will smile back!

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