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Judges Chapter 1 Summary: Chapter Summaries

Welcome to the book of Judges as well as Judges chapter 1 summary. The book of Judges began with the passing of Joshua, the leader of Israel. At this time new leadership was on its way in, and as a spoiler alert, it wasn’t all that reliable.

The children of Israel (collectively) petitioned the LORD concerning who should fight first against the Canaanites. The LORD commanded Judah to go up and take the land given to them.

Judah then turned around and had the tribe of Simeon to go along with them in battle. In return, Judah would go with Simeon when it was their turn to war and seize their land.

Judges Chapter 1 Summary

They all went up and slew ten thousand men in Bezek and the LORD delivered them. They found the king of Bezek, Adonibezek, and they cut off his thumbs and great toes. This heinous act was something he did to kings he conquered when he ruled. He readily knew God was recompensing him for his evil.

As the saying goes, ‘what goes around, comes around’. After the children of Judah went on to collect from the Canaanites, they took city after city down in the region.

Caleb promised his daughter to wed whoever could take down Kirjath-Sepher. A warrior named Othniel took it down and collected on Caleb’s promise, his daughter, Achsah. Judah did as they promised and fought with Simeon to claim Simeon’s land.

The cities Judah took included Gaza, Ashkelon, and Ekron. While they drove out the Canaanites in the mountains, they couldn’t get all of them out of the valley. The chapter concluded with the details of all the cities Israel couldn’t take or fully drive out the inhabitants.

These cities still have the inhabitants there who eventually became tributaries to Judah. This is the summary of Judges chapter 1, glory to the Almighty God.


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