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Joshua Chapter 11 Summary


Joshua Chapter 11 Summary

Joshua Chapter 11 Summary

As with chapter 10 of Joshua, Joshua chapter 11 summary begins with a group of kings. They came together against Joshua and the children of Israel to fight against them.

Jabin, king of Hazor, orchestrated this attack, summoning a multitude of kings to fight against Israel.

God instructed Joshua not to be afraid of them because by this time tomorrow they will be all dead before Israel.

Joshua gathered his men and like before got ready for the slaughter. The general and leader of Israel did just as God told him, destroying Jabin of Hazor and burning all their cities.

Joshua made war with all the kings of the coasts, no city was able to make peace, except the Gibeonites. Everyone else was thrown down in battle.

God harden their hearts to come and fight against Israel in battle so that He could destroy them. Joshua took the whole land as the Lord said to Moses and divided it up to the inheritance of the children of Israel by their tribes.

We pray the Father to add a blessing to the reading and doing of His Holy Word through His Son Jesus the Messiah. Amen!

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  1. Curtis Delgardo Curtis Delgardo

    Please send me the summary of each chapter in the Bible , for me to better understand what each chapter is saying.

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