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Who are the World’s People Today from the Bible?

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Questions and Answers from BSM Newsletter

Today’s question is:

Who are the world’s people?

Updated November 2023 – original response was in March of 2022!

Who are the world’s people today? I’m not exactly sure what this question is aimed at, but my spirit tells me they are asking “who’s who” in the Bible today. For instance, who are the children of Abram, who are the children of Lot, who are the children of Ham, Cush, etc?

This is not easy to answer and we’ve done extensive research and the result was the old commercial about using drugs (Your Brain on Drugs Commercial). We fried our brains and finally asked the Anointed Son through the Holy Spirit to show us if He deems it important to show us.

Here is what we gathered. Nevertheless, at the tower of babel, the languages were confounded by the Creator. The spoken language, the written language, and the spiritual language, all three were confounded. Today people like to think that ALL (stated conclusively) of the sons of Japheth separated and went together.

The Division of the Nations

We like to believe that ALL of the sons of Ham lived together. Also, we like to believe that ALL the sons of Shem separated and lived together. Sorry friends, it did not go down that way according to ancient geography. The dispersion more than likely followed the 80/20 rule.

 This is where the bulk or 80% of a family such as Shem’s gathered together and a lesser portion of other families of Ham or Japheth went with them (the remaining 20%). This would be the case with the other sons (Noah’s three sons, Shem, Ham, Japheth) also and we have examples.

Keep in mind, the first world ruler was Nimrod after the flood. Nimrod was from the family of Cush or Kush. Cush are written as sons of Ham, but we now know the sons of Ham in Genesis 10 are really the sons of Japheth. See the newer teachings and revelations.

Thus Kush, via Nimrod, ruled the world from ancient Shinar which is Soudan or Sudan today. Cush is associated with Ethiopia today, geographically speaking. Egypt (Mizraim) and Phut were to Cush’s north, Shem’s family were west. Canaan was to their south.

Where is this all taking place?

It is all on the continent we call Africa today, for our project we call it the land of Shem. The children of Japheth (who are truly the children of Ham), Gomer, Tiras, Javan and them, they never originated from the continent of Africa. They were always on the continent of Euro Asia.

Therefore the dispersal from the tower of Babel were Japheth and his sons, Cush, Mizraim, Phut, and Canaan. Also, Shem and his sons, Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud, and Aram.

Between these, the people split to follow a ruler, for land, and based on who they could understand (written/spoken language), but also based on who they could vibe with (spiritual language). There is a love language book and we speak different languages in our personality.

Vibration and Frequency

We have family members we cringe to be around because they are spiritually and mentally “different!” Then there are people on the other side of the world we can lay in their arms, laugh, serve, cry, and do all of this without makeup on.

We don’t need a haircut or our hair done, and we feel at home with them on any subject we talk about. Why? We-vibe with them, we have the same vibrational frequency language. Often we are told to stop this (vibing) because we have been drilled or programmed with race, division, and the color of our skin-syndrome.

Nevertheless, we conclude that the nations were mixed up at the Tower of Babel. The majority of Shem settled in West Africa, although historians say Euroasia. And it is written Japheth dwelled in the tents of Shem. This means Japheth dwelled with Shem throughout Africa.

Nimrod is Amraphel

Ham also dwells in his own lands in the lower lands of today, as far north as Russia and as far south as Australia. Japheth dwells on the continent called Africa today. Nimrod, the grandson of Cush (Genesis 10:8-10) became powerful on the earth.

He was single-handedly attempting to keep the one-world government in Shinar together with the project known as Babel. But the divisions defeated him. Chedorlaomer, the king of Elam, became strong. He’s an Elamite which would constitute him as a son of Shem.

Chedorlaomer fought with Amraphel (Nimrod) the king of Shinar (remember Nimrod is a son of Japheth). They fought together against Bera, Birsha, and Shinab, who were kings of Sodom, Gomorrah, and Admah respectively. These are kings of Canaanite countries or lands (sons of Japheth).

Confusion on Confusion

The point is that when the nations are divided, the people divided themselves and mixed with who they wanted or who they were captured by. Then this is coupled with captivities. There were captivities such as when Assyria captured Samaria and took the people out and placed them in other cities and vice versa.

It has become confusion on top of confusion. You may believe you are Ethiopian today, but you very well could be a Elamite living in Ethiopia. The Roman Empire attempted to leave people in their lands to be who they natively were. The only thing is that the people had to follow Roman law, taxes, and some customs.

However, the latter part of the Roman kingdom saw the Romans mixing and matching and stripping native indigenous cultures at a very high rate. We call this today, westernizing the people; back in the day, it was called Hellenizing the people.

The Percentages

Let us bring this in for something we can understand; if you live on the African continent today there is a 96% chance you are a child of Shem or Japheth, Shem being to the west, Japheth being to the east, and a 4% chance you are from Ham. Ham if you are living in South Africa or the Saharan Desert nations such as Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt.

Consequently, if you live on the Euroasian continent, there is a 95% chance you are Hamitic, 2% Japheth, and 2% Shem.

If you are natively or indigenously from the Americas, you are 65% Japheth and 35% Shem, but if you migrated over from Euro Asia with no African in your blood, you are 100% Ham. If you migrated to Americas from Africa or were brought captive to the Americas, you are 99% from Japheth and Shem.

The Weatherman

Now weathermen and women used to tell me there was a 90% chance of rain. I’d pack my rain boots, raincoat, and the biggest umbrella I could find.

You already know what happened; no rain. I say this to tell you I very well could be off in everything I just spent the last hour typing for you. But the updated version makes me more confident this is as accurate as it can be.

This is why we used to barely touch this topic; because our brains end up fried. Hopefully, our ramble can lead you to do some thorough research and share with us your findings.

I pray this has been edifying in the name of the Son of God.

Minister Koko

What Bible Study topic, subject, or chapter would you like to learn in more detail? We are opening those again now that the Father is once again, sending His Spirit to gather His saints once again for the last time; we feel the need to address questions.

Many of the questions are not asked clearly. But we’ll do our best to answer them as well as we can.

Leave a comment and share with others who may have had this question looming in their mind. We are nearing the end of the half of times… REPENT and be baptized in the name of Jesus! 

Wait, Announcement, Announcement!!!

We’ve been endowed to provide content, studies, words of wisdom and inspiration through the years. And we’ve even been able to compose some really good books that we’re happy to share with you. If you’re looking to strengthen your knowledge of the Word of the Almighty, we first RECOMMEND you continue to or begin reading the Bible on a daily basis on your own. That is with the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.

If the Word is not latching on to you immediately or swiftly, we suggest you move into prayer, meditation, and fasting before the Most High to send you an increase. The way the Almighty works often is to send you to a teacher who will feed you His good Word. I believe, the books we’ve written are excellent guiding points, not only for you, but for a loved one or friend.

We have got some stuff to share with you about Africa, Israel, the Jews, and the Bantu. Head over to for the details. Oh you want a little bit right now? Okay here you go… Africa is the Land of Shem is a book that details compelling evidence that the African continent, not Asia or Asia Minor (Middle East or Levant), not the Americas, not Europe or Australia, but Africa, is the true land of the children of Shem.

That’s all we can give you right here, go over to for more juicy details.

Go now!

Until next time, Power be with you!

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