Previously on History of Israel – Samson got into a non-gentleman’s challenge with the sons of the Philistines. However, Samson’s bride gave him up; she was more loyal to her people than to him. That should have been a red flag, but it wasn’t to the super-human oriented Samson.
He had to kill thirty men and take their clothing to the men of Timnah who he lost the wager. Samson was angry, and never wedded the bride, as her father gave her to one of Samson’s companions. This upset Samson. He went and caught three hundred foxes and tied them together in pairs.
He soaked them in oil by their tails. During harvest time of the Philistines field, he lit the foxes on fire and burned their fields. The Philistines found out it was Samson. They went and burned Samson’s former bride and her father to death. Gruesome, and to be continued…

(Continue the Story…)
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