Children of the Sovereign LORD, if you desire to come and serve Him, prepare your soul and mind for testings and temptation. Come with fear and reverence in the service of the Most-High. Set your heart right, set it so you are prepared to constantly endure the ups and downs of life.
Prepare ahead of time for afflictions and setbacks, and in the time of troubles, do not be hasty with your actions. Do not become hasty in the times of affliction! Instead, stay close to the Sovereign LORD of Hosts, the Divine Creator, the Holy One of Israel; do not depart from Him. Abide in the LORD in troublous time.
You will increase in the end and prosper. Whatever affliction that is brought onto you, take it in sorrow, yet cheerfully and have patience. As you are in a low state, a lower vibration of mental and physical health, in the state of meekness, keep your patience and keep your soul.
Remember, gold and silver are tried in the fire, and we are as gold in the hands of our Creator; acceptable children of God are tried in the furnace of adversity. In truth, men are proved in their state of humility, adversity, and lowness; be of longsuffering and endure.
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In times of despair and troubles, stay faithful to the objective. In order to get what we want, we have to be tried and proven. Therefore, any endeavor we want, we must know it will not be easy to attain it because we have to be tested to prove ourselves! I pray to gives more clarity! Thank you for visiting.