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Numbers Chapter 13 Summary: Chapter Summaries

Numbers Chapter 13 Summary began as God instructed Moses to send a man out of every tribe to the land of Canaan to spy out the land. Their job was to go see the land and what it had and they were going to go in and take it down.

Instead, they brought back a discouraging report that the people of the land were too great and their cities too walled up for them to take it. They confirmed it was a land full of milk and honey and fruit, but they couldn’t take it.

However, Caleb and Joshua believed in God and believed they could take the land and encouraged Moses to allow the people to go up. The other men continued their scared talks, telling Moses that they are like grasshoppers in the sight of these people. This is the summary of Numbers chapter 13, glory to the Highest!


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  1. Minister Polly Moore Minister Polly Moore

    I like to have summary of the lessons i am studying to have a better understanding of the passage

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