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Leviticus Chapter 16 Summary

In Leviticus chapter 16 summary the LORD God spoke to Aaron through Moses. The LORD informed Aaron that he should not come into the holy place within the veil before the mercy seat any time he wanted.

God appeared in a cloud on the mercy seat so Aaron needed only come into the holy place for the sin and burnt offering.

He needed to put on his holy linen and garments and wash up before making atonement for himself, his house, and the whole congregation.

Leviticus Chapter 16 Summary

God gives Aaron the protocol for the scapegoat; which included how one is to be killed and sacrificed for the sins of the entire congregation and the other is to be let free into a land not inhabited, carrying the sins of the entire congregation on his head, after it is presented alive before God; thus being the scapegoat.

Both goats represent Jesus Christ as the sin offering. When Aaron is making atonement for himself, his household, and the congregation of Israel, no man was allowed in the tabernacle of the congregation.

This was the statute forever on the seventh month on the tenth day of the month that all should fast and do no work at all. This is so no matter if you were part of the children of Israel physically or not; because on that day, the priest will make an atonement for you to cleanse you that you become clean from all your sins before God.

This is an everlasting statute to make an atonement for the children of Israel, once a year.

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  1. Herb Johnston Herb Johnston

    I was reading ” Apple of his eye/ learn Jewish Evangelism”. An online study format/guide/ministry.
    This is due to having” followed” Pastor Jack Hibbs,.. these past months- tumultuos- awful months..since June 7th.
    He is the pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, southern california., who took the historically bold and courageous stance in civil disobedience against tyranny in california- opening his church this recent Pentecost sunday, May 31st.
    In so doing, he led 1200 churches to open in obedience to The Lord’s leading in his life and ministry.
    He then said, in a sermon following that date- that we, the congegation- should be able to ..” present the gospel flawlessly, from.the old testament”.. hence my search. The aforementioned study/ ministry I read,.. sent me in a search as a result of THAT instruction—
    .. saying I should read and outline leviticus 16 on my own, and make an outline, that I could present it to someone..( flawlessly,I suppose).
    Of course it was not my first time in reading leviticus- but there is no way I could make an outline of it , or even understand present it to any manner. I’m just trying to assimilate the old Testament scripture study points in the Apple of His Eye scripture reference study, to be able to succeed in the original point of assignment- presenting the gospel from the old testament. It would back up the new testament accounts nicely- and help to edify my own understanding. I think I was doing ok until the extra assignment of Leviticus 16. Also, it seems that the level of understanding of each scripture reference should be relatively in depth.
    So how is anyone supposed to just ” read and understand” that scripture,.. without instruction. Pastors and various leaders make those comments on at least a semi regular my thinking..” Just read it…” ..or- ..”have you read it”…? It’s definitely- much more difficult than the new testament. As a senior- unemployed- on social security- I do not funds to purchase anything- ..if someone can offer assistance in a way to study and understand- it is greatly appreciated.
    Thank you very much, and may God Bless you.
    (as I am re-reading this occurs to me I should just contact Apple of His Eye ministries with these concerns.
    I guess my bulb isn’t too bright.

    • Scripture is to be read precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little and there a little. For instance, if you read from Genesis to Revelation, you’d have to stop at certain points and connect what you read to something else to really get a fine understanding of the scripture and story as a whole. You’re doing fine, just keep at it; if you have any questions, email me

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