Judges Chapter 19 Summary Part 1
Judges 19 starts with another reiteration that there was no king in Israel during these days of the judges, and the people and land was just in utter disorder.
People did whatever they thought was right. There was a Levite who had a concubine.
His concubine cheated on him and he sent her back to her father’s house for a few months. After four months he went to gather her back to his house.
When it was time to leave, the father kept talking him into staying a few more days. The man lived in mount Ephraim, but his concubine’s father live in Jerusalem.
The man and his concubine finally leave her father’s house and needed to stay at a hotel, but none was available. They decided to lodge in the streets of a very violent and lawless area.
Ironically, they chose not to stay in a town of the Jebusites, instead getting to an Israelite city and they lodged in Gibeah. They wanted to be familiar with the people. Gibeah belonged to the tribe of Benjamin. Unfortunately, it was a lawless town.
You’re not going to believe what happened next!
We pray the Father to add blessings to the reading and doing of His Holy Word through His Son Jesus the Messiah. Amen!
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Grace and Blessings…I’ve read Judges Ch.19 &20 so my I guess now my question is How am I to study online? Do I just read like I have done or what ..Please enlighten me..Thank BSM &Peace!
Personally, I read the chapters and then look on youtube for approved study commentary’s like chuck smith, john McArthur, skip heitiz, etc.
I use this (BibleStudyMinistry.com) as a tool and most def Blue Letter Bible. Good luck
That is awesome advice, thank you for the kind words also, continue in grace!
Yes, just read, look at different commentaries and allow the Spirit of God to direct your understanding! Grace and peace in the name of the LORD Jesus.