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The gods Before Jesus

This week’s Sabbath lesson is titled, “The gods Before Jesus,” this is a lesson that seeks to study the deities that existed before Jesus Christ came in the flesh. Egyptian scholars have given the claim that Christianity and most of the world religions have stolen from the Ancient Egyptian wisdom of the gods and education.

As you listen to the gods before Jesus, think about these gods and what they are compared to within Christianity. They have ‘traces’ of Biblical text in them, they do not hold water when compared to the real Jesus in the Bible.

The claims of the gods before Jesus is only stories of so-called deities that came before Jesus came in the flesh. The Bible will tell you that Jesus has always been and always will be and that your knowledge and faith will be the test to see if you will be with Him also into eternity.

Listen to the entire lesson, the gods before Jesus, and become edified in Jesus’ name.

Bible Study Ministry the gods before Christ

Thank you for studying with us this day. Leave us a comment, join our newsletter. If you have not had the opportunity to, purchase our book, The 7 Great Lies All Christians Believe…Even the Good Ones. We believe you will be edified and blessed with the Holy Spirit as you consume that book. Thank you and see you next week, by the grace of God Almighty!

Updated post 8/18/21; the video was recorded 8 years ago. We’ve grown and learned more and knowledge was increased by ore books and information. Excuse our tone also, we’ve gotten older.

Elder Koko Ishe


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  1. Frank Frank

    The second we begin to “Interpret” stories, we lose true knowledge. When we then pick and choose which translation or interpretation we follow – we’ve lost our grip on reality in favor of creating reality to suit our own needs.

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