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Genesis 40: Joseph’s Ability to Interpret Dreams

Genesis 40: Joseph’s Ability to Interpret Dreams: Joseph’s ability to interpret dreams delivered him from prison to the front desk of the Pharoah king of Egypt. Here is how it went down: in prison, Joseph met a butler and baker. They both worked for the king of Egypt but had fallen out of graces with Pharaoh. Hence they found themselves in prison.

They’d both had dreams that they could not understand, yet it bothered them. They were not of normal cheer and Joseph took note and asked them; they told him of their predicament. Joseph responded, “Do not interpretations belong to GOD?”

He urged them to tell him their dream; they did, and he told them the interpretations. The butler’s dream was good, he would be restored to his job in three days. The baker not so good, he would be killed by Pharaoh in three days (imagine telling that man his dream interpretation).

Things went just as Joseph interpreted for them; he asked the butler to remember him but he didn’t (Genesis 40).


Principle: Shine your light in exercising your gifts before men. Joseph did and it will award him soon. Also, another principle is to remain faithful. Remain faithful to the ALMIGHTY no matter how the show currently looks to the world for you.

History: These are the leading events that will propel him to lead in Egypt and bring the storied Israelite family into Egypt.

Prophecy: Abraham’s seed would go into a land that is not there and serve 400 years; Joseph is going to bring his entire family into Egypt.

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