Deuteronomy Chapter 5 Summary
Chapter five of Deuteronomy begins with Moses calling a meeting with all Israel to tell the judgments of the Lord to them. First thing to note is that God made a covenant with Israel in Horeb.
This was a separate covenant than the ones made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The covenant was for everyone there and their seed after them.
The Lord spoke with them face to face out of fire, Moses told Israel and God spoke to them the Ten Commandments that they should follow in His Kingdom.
Moses emphasizes that when God ended His talk, God added no more than the Ten Commandments and also wrote them for Moses to give to Israel as a testimony.
Israel learned that God can speak with man and man can live through it. The people voiced they wanted Moses to go near and hear the Lord and bring back what they should do and they will do it.
God lets Moses know He heard what the children of Israel said, and God only wished they had the mind to do what they said; that they would fear Him and keep all His commandments always. If so, it would be well with them to do this; if they did God would prolong their days.
We pray the Father to add blessings to the reading and doing of His Holy Word through His Son Jesus the Messiah. Amen!
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I am doing a study on the book of Deuteronomy. I am to complete a paper on chapter 5:6-22, any help would be helpful.