Welcome to BibleStudyMinistry.com’s chapter summary series, do you need a quick summary of a chapter in the Bible, join us for the journey and learn a lot in our chapter summary series. Now back to 1 Kings Chapter 17 Summary.
1st Kings Chapter 17 starts out in Ahab’s kingdom in Samaria with the introduction to Elijah the prophet. Elijah visited him and declared a famine in the land. Elijah announced there will be no rain or even dew on the ground until he proclaimed otherwise.
God then ordered Elijah to hide by the brook and the birds will feed him during the famine. He did as the Lord commanded and the birds and ravens fed him day and night as he drank from the brook.
1st Kings Chapter 17 Summary
Eventually, the brook dried up and God then commanded he go to another town called Zarephath, and God commanded a widow woman to sustain him there during the famine. Can Elijah say, “God is good?”
Yes, he can!
When Elijah came upon the woman, he asks her to retrieve him a little water to drink. In addition to the water, he also asked for some bread.
She politely reminded Elijah that they were all in a famine, and declared she only had enough bread and oil for her son and her to eat before they are eaten up by the famine. Elijah persisted and commanded her to feed him first, then her son and she can eat.
Faith moment or “this weirdo hustled me, moment!”
She had to make a decision. He then promised there would be enough to eat until the Lord sends rain. She listened and they ate at her place many days.
It was a faith moment!
The chapter ends with a tragedy to joy story. In some days or weeks, the woman’s son fell sick and died, but Elijah prayed to God to bring the son back and the Lord heard the voice of Elijah and the child was revived.
The mother confirmed her thoughts, she said, “Now by this, I know that you are truly a man of God and that the word of the Lord in your mouth is the truth.” This is chapter 17 of first Kings, summary.
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