This is, your online Bible Study Supplement source. Today, we aim to address a biblical issue we titled, the Third Temple in Jerusalem Dilemma. But first, Where do we get the Third Temple idea from?
Follow this if you will. King Solomon of Israel (Akobe and the Abantu) built a magnificent temple in Jerusalema in honor and for the service of the Almighty (1st Kings 9:1). This particular temple is known as the first temple in Jerusalema. The Jews (the Bantus) transgressed the laws of their Creator and this caused an invasion of their land by the Babylonians (a mixture of Kushitic and Chaldean people) as the Bantu were taken captive into Babylon.
Some years later, the Bantus of the kingdom of Juda were permitted to return home and rebuild the city as well as the Temple during the days of Ezra and Nehemia.
We can fast-forward some more to the days of Herod the Idumean.
The temple that King Herod refurbished during the days of Christ, the Anointed Son, is the same temple of Solomon that was refurbished during Ezra/Nehemia’s time period; the rebuilding took time, from the time it was destroyed by the Babylonians under the rule of Nebuchadnezzar.
This would be the so-called “second temple” in Jerusalema.
In 70 A.D., General Titus of Rome by the order of his father Vespasian sacked Jerusalema in the effort to subdue rebellious Jews (Bantus), and once again Jerusalema was completely destroyed, the temple and the city!
There hasn’t been another temple established by the Bantus or the newly minted “Jewish” people since then in that land. The land referencing original Jerusalema of south and the new state of Israel and Jerusalem in the north, the Levant.
However certain writings in the scriptures, in prophecy suggest, “apparently” that a third temple would be built and established by the Bantus or Jewish people prior to the return of the Master the Anointed Son’s second coming.
Where did or does this idea come from?
The idea comes from Matthew chapter 24 as the Anointed Son answered His disciple’s question regarding the end of the world and the destruction of Jerusalema.
He referred us to Daniel the prophet and the abomination of desolation. If we go into the book of Daniel for this reference, we’d end up in chapter 11 for the actual phrase (abomination desolation), but in chapter 8 of Daniel we would see the phrase “the transgression of desolation (Daniel 8:13).”
Let me know in the comment section if we have lost you… and at what point.
Daniel 11:31
31 And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.
Based on this scripture, here is the logic or the idea of the third temple in Jerusalema. In order to take away the daily sacrifice, there has to be one, there has to be a daily sacrifice. Does that make sense? Good. In order to have a daily sacrifice, there has to be a temple. We’re just following the logic of this ideology. Again, only the Jews or Bantus sacrifice.
Further, in the book of Revelation, John wrote about a temple, the temple of God. We read about it in Revelation.
Revelation 11:1-2
1 And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein. [2] But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.
The apostle Paul also wrote about a “future” temple, which would have to be the third temple.
2nd Thessalonians 2:3-4
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; [4] Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
There is our third temple compilation.
Solomon’s Originally Built Temple, is the first.
Ezra, Nehemia, and Herod’s refurbished Temple, is the second.
This Temple spoken of by John in Revelation and Paul in 2nd Thessalonia, is the third.
Does this make sense? Okay then, let’s continue. However we have to pause for a minor conflict. The problem is that the “Third” Temple will be the one Zerubabel and the Exalted Immortal Beings build up for the Anointed Son to rule in for the thousand-year rule on earth. The Temple reference by Paul in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 and by John in Revelation chapter 11, actually refers to a spiritual temple. Let’s take a dive into it.
The church is the Temple of God!
If we backtrack, going to the end and coming back to the present day, we’d learn a few things.
- Christ Rules for a Thousand Years
- The Messiah invades the earth with His Troops
- Christ opens the Heavens at the Seventh Seal (known as the sixth seal in the scriptures)
- The nations begin to use thermonuclear weapons against each other and their civilians as well as invade or reinvade the Holy Land
The nations gathered together to war with each other
- Euphrates River is dried making a way for the kings of the east
- The world experiences calamities thought to be global warming, but they are the trumpets and vials being poured upon the earth.
- “This gospel” of the Kingdom begins to be preached to all nations
- A desolating sickness covers the land, pestilence or pandemics covers all nations
- The tribes of Akobe begin to be sealed as well as the nations who receive the Light; they repent and are baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit
- Light breaks forth upon the house of Akobe by way of Ephraim and Juda, the Anointed Son receives and opens the Book of the Seven Seals to begin gathering His people using the latter of the last day Elija and other prophets.
- We know and prophesy in part because the book is still sealed; we see through a glass, darkly until the Light breaks forth (it did in 2019).
In this, where was the temple built by the “Jewish” or the Bantu people?
This “Third-Temple” idea is a fabric of the imagination of the abominable church. The abominable church is known as the Catholic Church. So to be clear, we will use Daniel’s prophetic timeline.
Daniel was given a vision of the latter days starting with the Medo-Persian empires all the way down to the coming of Holy Anointed Son (Daniel 8 & 10). Daniel 11 details the end of the Roman Empire or beast.
Arms shall stand on his part and pollute the sanctuary of strength. They take away the daily sacrifice and place the abomination that maketh desolate (Daniel 11:31). This was completed in three intervals; 70 AD, 1453 AD, and 1884 AD. In verse 39 of the chapter’s timeline, the prophecy states they will divide the land for gain. These are the nations dividing the lands of America and Africa for their own political, economical, and financial gains.
America had been taken over since the 1600s by the French, Spanish, and Portuguese, to name a few. In 1888 at the Berlin Conference, European nations began to slice up and divide Africa for their own gain!
Misplaced Prophetic Teachings
Therefore, the abomination of desolation is not in reference to a future temple being built by the “Jewish” or Bantu people. Nope. It references the old temple. And according to Daniel’s timeline, we will not have another temple built. We are waiting for the massive and near-earth-ending war to take place, which has seeded itself with the conflict over Ukraine.
We are waiting for the Euphrates River to dry up, which is when the world economies collapse, and then war will be waged for five months.
Repent and be baptized for the remission of sins, the sins of your forefathers, and the sins of your nation today. Receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, and prepare your house NOW. Do this in order to seal yourself among the elect.
Brthr Nhymh
Only GOD, our owner, knows what is going to happen…..
Yes brother, only God, our Owner knows what is going to happen; and what He has revealed to us, we know also (Deuteronomy 29:29)