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A Nation Scattered and Peeled Beyond the Rivers of Ethiopia

A Nation Scattered and Peeled Beyond the Rivers of Ethiopia; Isaiah 18 reframed, Woe to the land of whirring wings, beyond the rivers of Ethiopia (Cush) that sends envoys by the sea in papyrus vessels on the waters.

Go, go swiftly you messengers to a people tall and smooth-skinned, to a people widely feared, to a powerful nation of strange speech whose land is divided by rivers. All you people of the world and dwellers of the earth, when a banner is raised on the mountains, you will see it; when a trumpet sounds, you will hear it.

For this is what the Almighty has told me, “I will quietly take My rest and look on from My dwelling place, like shimmering heat in the sunshine. Like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest, I will patiently look on.”

Discarding the Bad Branches

For before the harvest when the blossom is gone and the flower becomes a ripening grape, He will cut off the shoots with a pruning knife and remove the branches. He will discard the branches removed.

They will all be left to the mountain birds of prey, and to the beasts of the land. The birds will feed on them in the summer and all the wild animals will eat well in the winter.

At that time, gifts will be brought to the Almighty of Hosts; presents from a people tall and smooth-skinned, from a people widely feared from a powerful nation of strange speech, whose land is divided by rivers.

The gift will be brought to Mount Yerusalema, the place of the Name of the Almighty of Hosts.

Chapter Remarks

What a chapter; Isaiah 18 is practically the book of Revelations (primarily chapter 14), in seven verses. Woe to a land shadowing with wings.

What land is this?

The land shadowing with wings of locust buzzing beyond the rivers of Ethiopia is who? Well check this out. Locust swarms are most intense in East Africa. The countries most affected include: Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia, Uganda, according to The locust outbreaks in Ethiopia and Somalia are the worst in 25 years, and in Kenya the worst in 75 years. The locusts have destroyed crops and damaged farms.

This just gives us an idea of the physical land this chapter is describing or alluding to. The lands beyond the Nile with a lot of locust buzzing are the countries Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia, and Uganda by description. They sent or send ambassadors to a nation scattered, peeled, and terrible from their beginning. This nation is meted out and trodden down; they are walked over. Their land the rivers or floods have spoiled or ravished.

Revelation 12:5 says, And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.

The woman in Revelation 12 is the nation of Akobe or the House of Akobe. These are the people the serpent sent a flood after. These are the people scattered and peeled, drawn up and torn, yet feared by other nations. From the top, the land shadowing with wings, Kush or Ethiopia, send ambassadors to the Bantu (house of Jacob). For what reason?

…inhabitants of the world

Now the party of information of this chapter is in verses two and verse seven. The message switches to being directed to the inhabitants of the world. To those of us who dwell on the earth, pay attention!!

A sign will be raised up in the hills or mountains, and a trumpet blast. You must isten when you hear it and observe when you see the sign. Isaiah states this is what the Creator has told him: the Almighty will rest and wait patiently. 

He will consider in His dwelling place, like someone looking from a highrise balcony observing the day. Before the harvest, when the bud is perfect, when the sprout is complete and the flower becomes a ripe grape, the Almighty will cut off the shoots with a pruning knife.

He will proceed to remove the branches.

The branches removed will be left to the fowls and vultures of the mountains. They will be left for the beasts of the earth also; the birds will eat the removed branches during the summer. The beasts of the earth will eat on them during the winter.

When this takes place, a present will be brought to the Almighty of Hosts. The present will be the people who were scattered and peeled, drawn up and torn apart. The people feared above all people of the earth. The nations will bring them to their Maker as a peace offering, as a gift.

Let’s Dig in… Ensign and Trumpet

Because the nations have scattered and peeled the Almighty’s people, He has a message to all the inhabitants of the world and to everyone who dwells on the earth. He will return and lift up His ensign on the mountains of Jerusalema. This is symbolism by lifting up His sign in the governments of the earth.

When they see His ensign and hear His trumpet, they better do what will be commanded of them. As for now, from the time of Isaiah’s vision to the time these things take place, the Almighty is quietly resting and watching. He’s having a drink.

He’s adding up the furthered or forwarded affliction* the nations have inflicted upon His people. If I were anyone on the earth right now, I would stop slapping people for no reason. They may just be His people. Verse five is the final plagues the world will experience and it is told in detail in the book of Revelation.

Comparing the Sickle to that in Revelation 14

You can probably see certain words in verse five that connect to the passage in Revelation. For instance, harvest (Revelation 14:15). The angel told the other angel to thrust his sickle and reap for the time has come to reap because the harvest of the earth is ripe.

The bud is perfect in verse five, coinciding with Revelation 14:18 which says at the end, the grapes are fully ripe. The sour grape is ripening in the flower and He will cut off the sprigs (twig) with pruning hooks (compare Revelation 14:19). The Holy Anointed said if a man doesn’t abide in him, such a man is thrown out like a branch. Because he is withered, men will gather them and throw them in the fire and they are burned (John 15:6).

Are you getting the picture here?

The Almighty will cut down the branches and discard them. Revelation 14, verses 19 and 20 tell us how bad it will be; the winepress is the people of the earth; they will be trodden down like grapes.

A Bloody War at the End

Their blood will take up the space of 1,600 furlongs, which is about 200 miles, spanning as high as the horse’s mouth. There will be dead bodies upon dead bodies. This is why verse 6 of Isaiah 18 says the birds will summer upon them and the beasts of the earth will winter upon the dead bodies.

Once this happens to the nations of the earth, that is when the nations will bring a gift to the Almighty of Hosts.

What will they bring?

They will bring a people scattered and peeled; a people terrible from their beginning, a nation handed out and distributed like merchandise.

A nation that was trodden under with the foot of others, whose land the floods have ravished. They will be brought to the Almighty of Hosts as a gift, to the mountain of the Creator.

Repentance and Baptism are the Answer

All of this begins with the plagues we are experiencing and the plagues will get bigger and bigger until it is right in our face. Hear the words of the prophets; repent for the Kingdom is at hand, watch and pray, love your fellow as you would love yourself.

Much love, much regards in the name of the ALMIGHTY Father, Creator of Heaven and Earth.


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We’re grateful for you and pray you’ve been edified in the name of the Word of SoNiNi. We pray peace, enrichments, and healing over you and your household and we pray the endowing of the Holy Spirit for the fullness of the Gospel to be presented to you.

The Anointed Son came and said, “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. His disciples asked, “Master, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Akobe?” The Anointed Son said, “And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Akobe.

This whole thing is about the Kingdom of the Eternal Father. Each of us will find ourselves in one of His Kingdom, and it is drawing nearer than many of us can actually perceive. If you have any questions, leave them in the comment section or contact us on our contact page.

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* Forwarded the Affliction from Zechariah 1:15 


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