What is The Story of the Bible
The Story of the Bible. We are going to take a separate approach and give an overview of the story of the Bible.
Welcome to BibleStudyMinistry.com, your online Bible supplement source, I’m Elder Ishe with another vitamin for your spiritual health. Let’s dive in…
The Bible is the Word of God; and the Word of God encompasses a story, history, and prophecy all in one. I was fortunate this week to run into two separate articles that poked fun at Christianity because of its “so-called” inconsistencies and when we really think about it, Bible Christianity is sort of completely separate from mainstream Christianity.
This website is a supplemental online ministry that is a Bible-based ministry. Anyone with a problem with the Bible may not be totally pleased with the nature of our studies (at least not all the time).
However, if such a person is looking to ultimately learn the story of the Bible, then it is good for them to get a very close representation of the story from Genesis to Revelation. We hope to share that as transparently as we can.
The Condensed Version of the Story
Obviously, this will be an ultra-super-condensed version and one would have to read the entire Bible to receive the full story. Although the story begins with Adam and Eve and a line of ancestors who knew of and served God; the collective story takes shape with the prophet Moses.
Contrary to popular belief, the story of the Bible begins in the wilderness with God’s great prophet Moses. The five books of Moses (Torah) are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. In these books, we get a recant of how the world we live in actually began.
The forefathers and mothers before Moses time wrote on tablets that were preserved through time. They signed off on those given an account of family and events that took place. Fast forward to the days of Moses and the children of Israel!
Eighty Days
Moses spent eighty days and eighty nights with the God of Israel, and during that time God gave Moses plenty of information. This included the Royal Covenant, house rules, and overall instructions of life. I mentioned eighty days and eighty nights because Moses was commanded to meet with the God of Israel twice.
What Moses received from the God of Israel is simply remarkable. Moses received these instructions clearly, face-to-face with the God of Israel, like a man speaking with his friend (Exodus 33:11).
After the children of Israel were delivered out of Egypt, they became God’s adopted children and chosen people on the earth. They were chosen to be a representation of the Eternal God on the earth. They were to become the new leaders of the world, to take the news and gospel of the God of Israel to the rest of the world.
What Moses Learned from the Story of the Bible
It is from the stories of Moses that we get the information that tells us what happened before the children of Israel became God’s people. And this is what Moses received from the God of Israel. God created the world. God created the heavens, the earth, the animals, the elements, the planets, and most of all mankind. He called the first man Adam.
Adam was given his wife Eve, they were committed to dominating the earth for the Lord. They refused; they sinned or rebelled against God and were cut off from the Tree of Life (which is Jesus Christ). What they essentially did was cut the cords or the connection to the Heavenly Kingdom off. They instead opted to vie and operate independently.
This Wasn’t Acceptable Nor the Plan of God
Since this wasn’t the Lord’s plan, a secondary plan had to put in order to correct the matter. At their rebellion, right there, the Lamb of God was slain for the life of man. Two things happened, man would live and not die, and two, man would regain his kingdom at the successful completion of the Lamb’s mission.
Adam and Eve’s Offspring
Adam and Eve had two initial children named Cain and Abel. Abel was killed by Cain in a jealous fit, and Cain was disinherited by God as the result (Genesis 4).
Adam and Eve continue to have more children beginning with Seth (Genesis 5). Along with Seth, they had plenty of sons and daughters. As the earth began to be repopulated, Cain’s seed began to mingle and marry with God’s children. This began a big problem.
It began to get very bad, finally, during the age of Noah, God Almighty decided to drown the entire creation and destroy every living soul.
A mere eight souls were left alive to continue onto the saving side of the flood. Noah and his wife, his three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and their wives were all saved. It is from these three sons and their wives that the world is populated today.
Africa Asia and Europe
Ham became the progenitor of the peoples we call Africans today, while Shem is the father of who we call the Middle Eastern and Asian nations, and Japheth (also known as the Gentiles) is the progenitor of who we acknowledge as the original Europeans (Caucasian/white race).
Although one bloodline, the Bible begins to follow Shem’s family line more closely beginning with one of the fathers of Christianity, Abraham the Hebrew. Abraham was ordered by God to leave his family and move to the land of Canaan. He obeyed. From this obedience, a vital covenant was made with him and his seed forever.
The covenant included the inheritance of a large portion of land for him and his seed to have forever. The greater part of the covenant was the promise of the coming Messiah, who would join the family of man through Abraham’s family line and bless all nations. The token of this covenant was circumcision. All who want to be a part of the covenant between God and man “must needs” be circumcised.
Understanding The Story of the Bible
The covenant went well with Abraham because he died while in good standing with the covenant, and it cannot be annulled. The covenant was passed to his “only son” from his WIFE, Sarah, and the son’s name was Isaac. Abraham had a previous and older son named Ishmael, however, Ishmael was not the son of the covenant.
Ishmael is the father of who the world acknowledges as the Arab nations today. Isaac lived well with the covenant and it was passed to his son Jacob. Although Jacob was the younger son, the covenant and blessings were still passed to him instead of his older brother, Esau.
It is traditionally known among many cultures that the eldest son would receive blessings and inheritances from God. However, through an agreement that turns out to be fulfilled prophecy Esau, the elder, sold his birthright to Jacob for a pottage of beans.
The Name Change of Jacob
Certainly purchasing the pottage was a costly mistake for Esau because it could not be reversed. Jacob received the covenant and the blessings and was also adopted by God Almighty. His name was changed from Jacob to Israel, which in itself is a powerful event in biblical history.
The adoption suggests Jacob’s name change to Israel is not the original family name of the children of Israel, but rather the name of God. God gave them His name because they became His children.
Back to Esau. The pottage agreement for the birthright did not sit well with Esau. It tension caused Jacob to leave the house and go live with his mother’s brother, Laban. Jacob was to remain there until tempers cooled down.
It took twenty years for things to calm down, well maybe less, because Jacob fell in love with Laban’s second daughter. In the process of time and a mini tribe of babies later, Jacob returned to the land of Canaan. To be exact, four wives, twelve sons, and one daughter later, he reunited with Esau.
Esau and Jacob Reunite and It Feels So Good
They peaceably make things right, since it had been 20 years, and again Jacob is reminded his name is no longer Jacob, but Israel. He wrestled with an Angel that blessed him and confirmed his adoption.
As we fast forward, situations lead the twelve sons of Israel into Egypt, through the story of Joseph and his envious brothers, and while in Egypt the children of Israel flourish into a nation. As they grew, the Egyptians despised Israel and evil treated them.
When it became really bad, the nation of Israel prayed and God Almighty sent them a deliverer. His name was Moses. Moses was a prototype of the Messiah from God. God Almighty delivers the children of Israel from Egypt by the hand of Moses through wonders and miracles and leads them into the wilderness.
The Story of the Ecclesia
This is where the church began, in the wilderness. The Ecclesia, the called-out ones, are the church, called out of darkness, bondage, and captivity. All of Israel was baptized in the Red Sea to Moses. The Tabernacle was set up in the wilderness; the priesthood was set up, and the eternal covenant was given also in the wilderness. The covenant is the Ten Commandments.
The children of Israel were commanded to keep the covenant and additionally commissioned as the official ambassadors and leaders for the True and Living God (the God of Israel, Jehovah, the Eternal One).
However, Israel broke the covenant immediately and continued to rebel. Wicked priests were installed. In addition, the people fired the God of Israel as their king, desiring instead to be like the nations around them with a human king that can die.
They forsook Jehovah their God. They first appointed Saul as king and he failed. Then David was installed, and he proved to be a righteous king and was granted eternal kingship over the nation of Israel.
Nevertheless, David and his son Solomon were the highlights of good kings in Israel. Through a series of bad kings (after David and Solomon), things quickly went south for Israel as a nation.
The Story of the Bible
After King Solomon’s rule, the kingdom of Israel was divided into two. A southern kingdom in Judea, and a northern kingdom based in Samaria. Judea was the tribe of Judah, also accompanied by the Benjamites (the tribe of Benjamin) and Levites (the tribe of Levi who were rejected priests in Samaria).
Samaria, or northern Israel, consisted of the remaining ten tribes. Samaria was filthy pagan-rooted and idolatry-driven from the very beginning. They were like a child that did not have a chance.
They refused to serve the God of Israel, and finally, Jehovah (the God of Israel) was finished trying to salvage them. He cast them out of the land by the hand of the Assyrians. The ten tribes were cast as slaves and captives throughout Europe and Asia.
Rebellion and Disobedience
A few centuries later, the kingdom of Judah received the same result, nevertheless, their retribution was a bit more brutal than Samaria. It was so because they did not take careful note of what happened to their brothers in Samaria.
They refused to see that God would deliver all that was written in the books of Moses concerning the blessings and curses. They pushed God to the limit and were removed from the God of Israel for their rebellion and disobedience.
Just as Samaria was scattered throughout the earth, so was Judah. The God of Israel summoned king Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon (a Gentile king who conquered the Babylonian kingdom and the entire world) to go sack Jerusalem. Not only did he sack the royal turn sinful nation, he totally burned it to the ground.
The citizens of Judah were taken captive to Babylon.
They were there for seventy years. They remained there through the change of power from Babylon to Persia. When the Persians took power, Persian king, Cyrus the Great, ordered over 40,000 Jews to return home to Jerusalem. They were sent to build up the city for their God.
Again this was prophecy and it was only a visitation for the Jews to rebuild the city for Jesus. Christ’s mission was to come, teach, and die for the sins of the world. The Jews rebuilt the city under the leadership of Nehemiah and Ezra and others for the Lord to complete His mission.
The Jews live through another changing of world power. This time it went from the hands of Persia and Medes to the Greek Empire led by Alexander the Great. Following Alexander, things went from the Greeks to the Romans.
While the Romans were in dominion, Jesus the Christ was born in Bethlehem of Judea as it was written by the prophets. Jesus ministered to the people, He taught, reformed, rebuked wickedness, and healed the sick. Finally, His hour came and He was wrongfully killed at the request of His own people.
Jesus Christ Our Passover
Before His death, Jesus prophesied Jerusalem would be destroyed and that the curses were written would continue. In other words, the Jews (children of Israel) would end their visitation in their homeland. They would continue into slavery and worldwide captivity by the hand of the Gentile Romans.
Jesus was killed on the Passover because He is the Passover, and this was in the middle of the week. When Jesus died on the cross, the earth went black for three hours from noon to three PM.
This was followed by a seriously violent earthquake, and miracles such as people who had recently died coming out of their graves. Three days and three nights later, the God of Israel was alive and well.
We Have the Testimony…
Jesus was ready to reclaim His former estate and sit on the right hand of the Father. He is now the High Priest to the world and is the future King of Israel. He became the firstborn from the dead to enter into eternal life, and He is the beginning of the creation of God.
This implies much. Many eyewitnesses bear witness of Jesus after His death and resurrection. From their witness, we have the testimony.
Now, this is primarily the historical side. The history is very important, but part two will be the prophetic side, and this is equally vital because now the story of the Bible will include us today!
To be continued – to receive the continuation of the Story of the Bible, PLEASE sign up for our newsletter as it will be delivered to our subscribers and newsletter recipients. God bless you.
Elder Ishe
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I beg to differ with your interpretation of Genesis Chapter One through Chapter six. The “Deep”; given as a part of the description of what the Planet looked like from outer space when it was covered with water.making the flood during Noah’s era, the second flooding of the Earth. ‘Let us create Man (a species in our image and likeness) from the dust of the Earth. As we are, he/she also will be a single bi-sexual entity named Adam. At this point of Adam’s existence, he is alone in the garden when it’s decided that this single individual would need a “help-mate”. Instead of again reforming another individual entity from the dust of the Earth, Adam was first placed into a “deep Sleep”,where surgery was performed to bring this second individual into existence. As the story goes, when Adam recovers from his [deep sleep] and realizes that he is no longer a bi-sexual/male and female image of his Creator, he exclaims “Bone of My Bones, Flesh of My Flesh; You shall be known as Woman” or more accurately WOMB-MAN.
There’s some information I wish you’d aprise yourself of that proves that the people of Haran prior to Abrahamic era were a very highly developed civilization, from the discoveries found during the excavation of the Ziggurat of Ur by C.Leonard Wooly and The New Discoveries In Babylonia About Genesis by the Archaeologist P.J. Wiseman
I beg to differ with your interpretation of Genesis Chapter One through Chapter six. The “Deep”; given as a part of the description of what the Planet looked like from outer space when it was covered with water.making the flood during Noah’s era, the second flooding of the Earth. ‘Let us create Man (a species in our image and likeness) from the dust of the Earth. As we are, he/she also will be a single bi-sexual entity named Adam. At this point of Adam’s existence, he is alone in the garden when it’s decided that this single individual would need a “help-mate”. Instead of again reforming another individual entity from the dust of the Earth, Adam was first placed into a “deep Sleep”,where surgery was performed to bring this second individual into existence. As the story goes, when Adam recovers from his [deep sleep] and realizes that he is no longer a bi-sexual/male and female image of his Creator, he exclaims “Bone of My Bones, Flesh of My Flesh; You shall be known as Woman” or more accurately WOMB-MAN. Cpt.Six: The sons of the God from on High espied the daughters of Man and (took)as wives all they found pleasing. Hmmm, [now this sounds like the father of our current president] The Sons that were created by the God from on High from the mud of the Earth would seem to be speaking of the posterity of Adam instead of angels wouldn’t you think?
There’s some information I wish you’d aprise yourself of that proves that the people of Haran prior to Abrahamic era were a very highly developed civilization, from the discoveries found during the excavation of the Ziggurat of Ur by C.Leonard Wooly and The New Discoveries In Babylonia About Genesis by the Archaeologist P.J. Wiseman
My beliefs are all Biblically based. I have read through the entire Bible from beginning to end with helpful resources and am now reading it again for the second time.
I will say that the second time is more enlightening and you can make more sense out of what you are reading and be able to follow the story line much better.
I had a hard time the first time with understanding all the families and clans of the 12 Tribes, but I have grasped it more extensively now, and as far as the Country area goes too.
I feel in order to be a strong Christian, you have to be in God’s Word everyday. It can never be read once or twice and then put away. There is too much need to know information in it and it is all God’s Word. We are fallible and forget these things…and there are so very many things to remember in the Bible. I also believe in further studying by reading good Biblically based Christian Books. They can help you to understand God and His Word.
Hey Judy, you are so right with your comment. We all need to be reading everyday. Kudos on reading through the Bible, continue on and thank you for stopping by and sharing.
I like that you mentioned that Cain’s seed intermingled with others, a fact hardly heard in churches. But let’s not forget that the fallen angels’ seed was also intermingled. Not all the resulting nephilim and rephaim were huge giants. We MUST note that the whole Bible has a blood theme, and this for good reason. So far it has been only a mild recognition. But now we know about DNA, and should realize that all people on earth now have intermingled DNA from Cain and the fallen angels. And this is why we must have an infusion of Jesus’ perfect blood to combat our enemy. The corrupted DNA in us will remain until we receive new un-corrupted bodies as we enter Heaven.
Bro David, thank you for your gracious and wise comment. Salud you and to your household and your studies. Continue in God’s good grace.
Thank you for the above study, I am 82 years of age on July 1, I would just like to say how pleased I am to have found these bible studies. Although it is so interesting and enjoyable always to understand more about the names and places of the bible, I am eternally most of all more blessed at knowing Christ as my personal saviour and Lord. The more I learn and understand of The God of the old testament, the more I am learning about Jesus because all scripture is concerning Himself, I look forward to the next lesson from you with eager anticipation, a Christian blessing to you all,
Elder Leonard, all praises to the ALMIGHTY and HIS Son the CHRIST. May the ALMIGHTY continue to bless you and enrich you and your household in the name of the LORD, HIS Majesty.
Thanks for this eye_opening knowledge.
I long to receiving more.
Greetings Dr. Idoko John, it is our pleasure and duty; it has been pleasant to go back and forth with you via email. Continue in grace, bless, and peace to you and your household.
Elder Ishe