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Deuteronomy Chapter 1 Summary


Deuteronomy Chapter 1 Summary

Deuteronomy Chapter 1 Summary

Into the book of Deuteronomy we go, and chapter one begins with Moses rehearsing the words to the children of Israel that he received from the Lord.

It was the fortieth year in the eleventh month of the year on the first day of the month. They had just killed king Sihon of the Amorites as well as king Og, who were powerful kings of that time.

Moses tells the Israelites to continue on and take the land God has provided for them. God has been with them, and has multiplied them like the stars of heaven.

Moses advised that they take wise men with understanding, known in their tribes and make them rulers over them as he prepares to depart. Moses reiterates to their rulers that he has taught that they should not have respect of persons in judgment.

Further, Moses commands to take the land without fear or discouragement, and for Israel to act and be brave. However, they rebelled the commandment of God because of their fear and murmured against God, forgetting how He fought for them in Egypt.

The Lord wasn’t pleased with Israel’s lack of faith, and Moses reminds them that their lack of faith got him in trouble with the Lord in his frustration.

Moses ends this chapter by commanding the children of Israel to encourage Joshua and be with him.

Moses is going to continue rehashing events that transpired since they left Egypt to keep this as a memorial in the hearts of Israel.

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  1. Etim Okon Akadu Etim Okon Akadu

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