Christ is quoted saying that we will hear of wars and rumors of wars. In all of this, we are not to be troubled or shaken. The reason is that these things must come to pass, both the wars and the rumors of them. Guess what? The end is not yet! This means we will have to live through both, the rumors and the wars.
In the book of Revelation chapter 6, a red horse went out and took peace from the earth. The rider had the power to do that with a great sword. This great sword can mean a lot of things, but to us in this generation, it focuses on thermo nuclear weapons.
The end is still not yet. When does the end come? It comes when “This gospel” of the Kingdom is proclaimed in all the world as a testimony or witness to all nations. Then will the end come! Patient saints, in your patience you possess your souls.
Read more about the order of events before the return of Christ to the earth. And also learn more about “THIS GOSPEL,” here in our prayer service.
Elder Ishe / Brthr Nhmyh