We are just about at the end of this particular study topic, which began with the title, Rule All Nations with a Rod. The basis of this study topic was multifaceted, however, the mainstay was to find out who will have this power over the nations.
If you’ve been following along, you should certainly know who by now, but this final post should really drive it home for you.
Welcome to BibleStudyMinistry.com (BSM), your online bible study supplement source. Today we’re still exploring the concept of having power over the nations as mentioned by Jesus Christ! It is part of our study topic features, where we study a topic in the Bible one scripture at a time. Let’s get back to today’s study topic!
Power Over the Nations
Jesus Christ has been declared to rule all nations with a rod of iron, according to scriptures, and yet the Lord has so humbly and blessedly allowed for those who trust in Him to partake in this same rulership and power over the nations.
Today’s study takes us directly to Revelation chapter two, specifically to the church of Thyatira, which was an ancient Greek city in Asia Minor (now the modern Turkish city of Akhisar).*
The Lord sent angels to several different churches spread out in Europe and Asia, and the angels had specific messages for the people in those churches. The angel spoke in the Lord’s name to the churches.
To the Church of Thyatira
The angel would say, “These things says the Son of God, who has His eyes like a flame of fire, and His feet are like fine brass.” What was the Lord God saying to Thyatira? The Lord acknowledged that He knew the works, charity, service, faith, and patience of the church of Thyatira.
The Lord knew those who were last, would become first. However, the Lord had a few things against those in the church, especially the elite in the church. For one, they allowed “that woman Jezebel,” who called herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce the Lord’s servants, causing them to commit fornication.
She also caused the people to eat things sacrificed to idols; these things the Lord does not stand for. The Lord, obviously as His Spirit is being very merciful and full of long suffering gave her space or room to repent of her fornication, but she hasn’t and won’t.
…the Teachings of Jezebel
The Lord is then going to [basketball reference alert] alley oop or fling her into a bed, and all the people who indulge with her adultery, they all will go into great tribulation. This all will take place if they do not change or repent of their deeds.
As you read it, it gets very graphic and drastic for many of the church of Thyatira. Yet, it is all to inform the churches that the Lord searches the reins and hearts, and will repay everyone according to their works.
Those in Thyatira who aren’t participating in the fornication-fest, the adultery, and the teachings of Jezebel, the Lord isn’t going to harm them at all. Those who have not known the depths, the deepness and complexity of Satan, they won’t have any burdens put on them, according to the Lord.
They get something different. The Lord encourages those who have good works of charity, service, faith, and patience to continue with what they have. They are to continue doing good and keeping the faith.
The LORD will Keep You
If they overcome AND keep the Lord’s works to the end, to such person, the Lord will give power over the nations. Those who overcome will rule the others with a rod of iron, like vessels of a potter they will be broken to shivers.
As it has been committed to Jesus Christ to do by His Father, so will the Lord Jesus commit it to His saints, including those of the church of Thyatira. They will receive the morning star; this is eternal life and eternal rulership over the nation’s, power over the nations.
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Elder Ishe for BibleStudyMinistry.com, your online, Bible Supplement source!
*Thyatira Reference