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Study Topic: Feeding in the Strength of the Lord

Feeding in the Strength of the Lord

Feeding in the Strength of the Lord

In the previous study topic, we outlined that a ruler was coming out of Bethlehem Ephratah and He would be ruler in Israel. This was also established in the New Testament story of the birth of Jesus, when Herod demanded the chief priest and scribes, to tell him where the Messiah would be born. 

Welcome to (BSM), your online bible study supplement source. Today we’re still exploring the concept of having power over the nations as mentioned by Jesus Christ! It is part of our study topic features, where we study a topic in the Bible one scripture at a time. Let’s get back to today’s study topic!

So, Matthew chapter two, verse one through six, validated Micah chapter five, verses one and two. Now when we return to Micah chapter five, the remainder of the chapter outlines what the Governor or Ruler of Israel will do among His people, and to the entire world.

WARNING, it does get bloody and violent.

First off, the Ruler in Israel, who comes from among the least in Judah, will give His people up for a season. He’ll let thing happen to them that in most cases are just detestable and horrific for anyone to fathom, yet along physically go through.

It is like their lives don’t matter. At anyrate, it is all part of a plan, and the time when they are suffering the most, He will deliver a remnant of them and they will return to Israel. There He will stand and feed them in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord, His God.

At this time, they will all abide and the Ruler in Israel will be great to unto the ends of the earth. It will be so because He will cut off his enemies and become lifted up in the face of His adversaries.

He will cut down a lot of things and people, the Ruler will cut off witchcrafts, graven images, standing images, and people will no longer worship themselves or the works of their hands.

He will destroy strong cities and fully execute vengeance in anger and fury on the nations that rebel, and it will be done in a manner they have never heard of before.

Yes, pretty intense.

This follows a posts a few days ago regarding the man child, who is to rule all nations with a rod of iron. The Lord will be very firm, especially against evildoers because rebels and rebel groups, typically don’t stop.

Feeding in the Strength of the Lord

They retool and comeback, and this is why the Lord will execute vengeance in fury and anger, to break rebellers backs.

The Lord is aiming for full Power Over the Nations, and you and I have the opportunity to have a pretty big steak in that power; and we’d like to show you as we continue in this study topic series.

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