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Matthew Chapter 7 Summary: Chapter Summaries

Matthew chapter 7 summary is a continuation of Jesus’ “sermon on the mount,” from chapter five. It began as Jesus taught on judging other people. The lesson; the way one judges others is the same way they will be judged.

The LORD then talked about having the freedom and humility to ask, seek, and knock for the things one needs, wants, and desires. The lesson; if we don’t ask, seek, and knock, we won’t receive or have doors opened.

The chapter then transitioned as the LORD spoke about the strait and narrow gate. The strait and narrow leads to life, but the wide and broad leads to destruction, where far too many people choose.

Matthew Chapter 7 Summary

In other words, if a lot of people are doing a thing, it is probably a pathway to destruction. Jesus then warned for people not to be misled by false prophets. False prophets come like wolves dressed up like sheep.

The LORD admonished we take our time and know a tree by its fruit. An evil tree will produce evil fruit and a good tree good fruit. One should always be able to tell a false prophet by his or her deeds. Another big teaching point Jesus taught on in this chapter were false followers.

In fact, not everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will enter into the kingdom of heaven. Those who will enter are those who do the will of the Father, who is in heaven.

Matthew 7 Summary

Two Types of People

Jesus foretold that on the day of judgment many self-proclaimed followers will claim to have done many good works in the name of the LORD. To which the LORD will respond for them to get away from Him because He never knew them.


The teaching concluded with the comparison of two different types of persons. One built their house on solid foundations, upon a rock. He was considered wise. The second built their house on faulty foundations, on the sand.

He was foolish. When the storms and challenges of the world came upon them both, one withstood, the second folded and fell. The fall of the second was great, meaning nearly impossible to recover from.

The chapter closed with the response from the people Jesus was teaching. They were astonished at His doctrine because He taught with authority, and not as the scribes. This is the summary of Matthew chapter 7, glory to the Highest.


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