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Matthew 25 Reframe: Foolish Virgins with No Oil

The kingdom of Heaven is like ten virgins who took their lamps to go out and meet the bridegroom. Five of these virgins were very wise, they had optimal wisdom in their thoughts and actions. The other five were foolish.

Foolish Virgins with No Oil

The foolish virgins took their lamps and prepared it with no oil as they took them. Nonetheless, the wise virgins prepared their lamps with oil and carried some additional oil in vessels.

The groom ran behind schedule and while they waited on the groom, all of the virgins fell asleep. However, in the middle of the night, a herald made a loud cry with the blasting of the trumpet to alarm the people.

“The bridegroom is coming, the bridegroom is coming; go out and me him now,” yelled the Herald. All the virgins got up and began to light their lamps so they could see! Immediately, the foolish virgins began to ask the wise virgins for oil.

Our Lamps Went Out…

“Can you give us some of your oil; our lamps have gone out,” they asked. Nevertheless, the wise virgins replied by saying not so. “We cannot and will not unless there becomes not enough for the both of us; instead go out into the market to those who sell and buy some oil for yourselves,” they replied!

The foolish virgins went out to the market, and while they were out buying the bridegroom came. All those who were ready went in with the bridegroom to the marriage. The door was shut and once shut, it would no longer be opened to anyone.

Afterward, the foolish virgins came and they began to yell and call out to the LORD. “LORD, LORD, open the door for us,” they called! However, He answered by saying, “In truth, I say to you, I do not know you!” Therefore, it is of vital importance to watch and pray because you do not know the hour that the Son of man will come.

Selah (based on Matthew chapter 25:1-13)

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  1. RZ RZ

    Why didn’t the virgins share their oil?
    Since all the oil comes from God, as good Stewards shouldn’t the oil be shared?
    The church encourages people to share their wealth with the poor and the widows and orphans .

    • Good question. There is a certain definite requirement to enter into the Kingdom of God. If you don’t meet it, you will be left outside. In the parable, it was too late to share their oil with the people because the Bridegroom had appeared and was closing the door. The time is now to get the oil, the requirements for the Kingdom. Good question RZ.

      Elder Ishe

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