Genesis chapter 37 summary began with Israel’s son Joseph, a then 17 year old teenager. Israel lived in the land of Canaan where he was a stranger. Unfortunately for him, he showed more love to his Joseph than he did to his other children.
The established a small-to-strong jealousy from his brothers. In addition to this, Joseph began to have these dreams showing his family serving him. In one dream he saw the sun, moon, and eleven stars bowing down to him.
Jacob recognized the sun being himself, the moon his wife, and the eleven stars being Joseph’s brothers. Jacob asked Joseph the meaning of these types of dreams. These dreams made his brothers angrier and jealous and it drew the attention of his father.
Genesis Chapter 37 Summary
Nevertheless, Jacob favored Joseph and this assisted Joseph to become bullied by his brothers. The big problem began when his brothers were determined to kill him, but instead sold him to a company of Ishmaelites.
Thanks to Reuben, he was not killed. These Ishmaelites took him into Egypt and sold him to an Egyptian officer. His brothers told Israel, their father, Joseph was killed and eaten by an evil beast. The father mourned greatly for his son and it was difficult to comfort him.
This is Genesis chapter 37 summary!
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