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Chapter Summary: Genesis Chapter 32 Summary

The Genesis chapter 32 summary continued with Jacob’s journey back home. Jacob continued his journey back to Canaan and is met by the angels of God. Jacob had to cross the path of where Esau stay, the land of Seir, the country of Edom.

Over the last twenty years, while Jacob was away, Esau set up a mini country. Jacob feared what Esau would do to him and his family. Thus, he sent his two wives, two concubines, and eleven sons over the ford; and he stayed by himself. While by himself, he was visited by someone.

Genesis Chapter 32 Summary

A man wrestled with him eventually disjointing his thigh. The second son of Isaac realized this was no ordinary man. Knowing this was going to be a losing battle, Jacob wouldn’t let go of the man. He realized it was an angel of the Lord.

He demanded the man bless him. Not only did the man bless Jacob, he also changed his name from Jacob to Israel. Why,? because as a prince (man) he has had power with God and with men and prevailed. He was astonished that he’d seen God face to face and was still alive. He had more confidence to face Esau.

This is the summary of Genesis chapter 32!


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