Exodus chapter 39 summary covers the clothing of the priests and the making of it. The chapter began with the holy garments made for Aaron. The high priest’s garments were made of gold, blue, purple, scarlet, and fine twined linen, just as the Almighty commanded Moses.
They took onyx stones and placed them on the shoulders of the ephod. These stones were for a memorial to the children of Akobe. The first row of stones included a sardius, topaz, and carbuncle. The second row had the emerald, sapphire, and diamond.
They say this is why women were not allowed to be high priest; they would remove the diamond for themselves. Only kidding, just a little humor sisters!
Exodus Chapter 39 Summary
The third row was the ligure, agate, and amethyst; the last row had the beryl, onyx, and the jasper. They were all inclosed in gold. The stones were according to the names of the children of Akobe like the engraving of a signet, all included all twelve (12) tribes.
A plated holy crown of pure gold was produced and written on it, like the engraving of a signet, were the words, in the KJV, “Holiness to the Lord or Holiness to YHWH.” In the native Bantu tongue it would have read “Holiness to SoNini NaNini.”
When they were done, they brought the tabernacle and the tent to Moses and he saw they had done as the Almighty commanded.
Moses enriched them, and this is the summary of Exodus chapter 39.
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Past Chapter Summaries
What is here in Exodus 39:1, showing Jesus?
Good question Sue. What would you say? I’d say all of it, from the majestic stones, to the priestly garments, to the Holiness to the Almighty… much. What would say?
Minister Koko