1 Samuel Chapter 13 Summary
Chapter 13 of first Samuel begins with Saul’s first couple years as ruler of Israel. He recruited three thousand men, two thousand stayed with him, the other thousand stayed under his first son’s supervision, Jonathan.
Israel prepared for a war against the Philistines, but the Philistines were high in number and it scared the Hebrews. Saul was waiting for Samuel to show up to give direction, but since Samuel was late, Saul took matters into his own hands.
Saul took the burnt offering and offered it. Obviously this isn’t his job to do; and after he did it Samuel shows up. Samuel asks Saul what has he done?
Saul tells Samuel he took too long to come to the battle, so he sacrificed to God since his army was a bit intimidated. Samuel tells Saul that action just cost him the kingdom forever and that God has already sought someone who will think after the Lord’s heart.
The chapter ends with Israel sharpening their swords for the day of battle.
It is prophesied that Judah would have the sceptre, Saul’s mistake is one of the reasons why Benjamin didn’t have the sceptre forever and why Jesus didn’t come through the lineage of the tribe of Benjamin.
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