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Chapter Summaries: Numbers Chapter 21 Summary

Numbers chapter 21 summary began with a number of the Israelites taken as prisoners by a king Arad of Canaan. He’d heard Israel came as spies against them and fought against them.

Yet, Israel petitioned God who heard them and helped them destroy the Canaanites of the south. In this still, the people complained about the journey against God and Moses, so God gave the complainers a gift. God sent fiery serpents among them and many people of Israel died because of the serpents.

When they acknowledged their sin, God had Moses make a fiery serpent replica and set it on a pole. Those who looked upon it would be healed if bitten, those who didn’t believe and didn’t look upon it would die.

Numbers Chapter 21 Summary

God made it according to their faith. As they journeyed through the wilderness before Moab towards the sun rising they pitched in many places. They were close to the coasts and borders of Amor and Moab; in fact, they were between the Amorites and Moab.

Messengers were to Sihon king of the Amorites to ask permission to pass through their land with no harm. Sihon refused, as many nations did not trust the Israelites based on what happened in Egypt.

This moved Israel to destroyed Sihon by war and took his land, from Arnon to Jabbok. The children of Israel settled in the cities of the Amorites in Heshbon and all their villages. Heshbon was prior taken over by Sihon the Amorite from the Moabites.

The Lord was with Moses and Israel. He was prepared to give them the land of the king Og, king of Bashan and more. The same was done to Og of Bashan as it was done to Sihon and the Amorites. Here come the mighty Israelites is right.

This is the summary of Numbers chapter 21, glory to the Highest.


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  1. Courage Courage

    Thank you. for the wonderful information ,I’m growing in knowing in my walk with God in my knowledge and understanding of His word through your teachings

    • Praise the ALMIGHTY, thank you Courage for your courage; continue in grace in the name of the LORD

      Elder Ishe

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