2 Kings chapter 4 summary begins with a woman who was married to one of the sons of the prophets. She was in a conundrum, dealing with the death of her husband. The problem was that her husband died owing money.
His creditors were after her for the balance, they were going to make her two sons slaves until the debt was paid. She went to Elisha for help. Elisha inquired of her what she owned. She replied that she only had a pot of oil. Elisha had a plan for her to borrow a gang of vessels from her neighbors.
2 Kings Chapter 4 Summary
Faithfully, she did as she was told! Elisha had her to pour the oil in the pot, into the vessels. From there she would be able to go and sell the oil in the market. She should be able to make enough money to pay her debt and live off the remainder with her sons.
Let’s Do Something Nice…
Without hesitation, she did that and was able to get out of the debt. This is a good lesson for us today! The chapter moves onto a great woman who cornered and begged Elisha to eat a meal with her. Whenever he’d cross her path, he’d sit down and have a meal with this great woman.
Eventually, she asked her husband to make a room that Elisha could lodge in whenever he needed. With all this kindness, Elisha wanted to do something nice for her. Elisha’s servant Gehazi noticed she had no children and Elisha told her she’d embrace a son this time next year.
She was super excited and happy. A year later, it all came to pass. However, tragedy fell years later when the child was older. Her son was ill and died suddenly. The great woman ran to find Elisha. She told him what happened and Elisha went with her back to her house and through the power of the Lord, resurrected the boy.
Feeding the Hungry Impossibly
The chapter ends with the sons of the prophets serving 20 loaves of bread and corn to one hundred hungry men. The servitor of the prophets thought it impossible, but Elisha told them the Lord said there will be food left, and there was.
He didn’t feed 5,000 with five loaves of bread and two pieces of fish, but he was able to enact the same type of miracle. This is the summary of 2 Kings chapter 4.
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