Does the Bible Say You Have to Go to Church
This topic or subject will be debated until Jesus Christ Himself comes back to settle the matter with mankind. Some Christians believe that they simply have to have a relationship with Christ. On the other hand, others believe they and all followers of the Messiah must attend church weekly in order to please God.
The Bible does assist us in the way we should go in this matter. In many things that are required, God will only require it of us if we are in a position to do the matter. For instance, if you have no increase (income) then it is safe to presume you may not be able to tithe.
Likewise, if there is no physical church near you that honors the ways of God; again it would be a logical safe presumption that you do not have to attend. However, the age we’ve moved into is digital and some sixty years ago you could attend church via radio.
Attending Every Week on the Sabbath
Then it moved to television, now you can attend a church service via internet. I’m not in the Lord’s place to say each of these is okay. However, I will present scriptures that support attending church regularly, which is every week on the Sabbath day (specifically).
Why did I mention the Sabbath day. For beginners, it’s because the Lord said in six days everyone can work and do all their labor, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of rest. It is also a Holy convocation ((gathering) Leviticus 23 v3).
Here we are told, quite clearly, to rest from our normal personal events and labor. This is followed with instructions to pertain to the Lord in our dealings and commit to a Holy gathering. The question can now be asked, can we gather together digitally as in the internet, television, or radio?
In the Beginning No Temple Mentioned
I’m sure that should be done if the “in person” option is not available to you. We can praise God all the time, but scriptures do tell to praise the Lord in His sanctuary (Psalm 150 v1-2). To really understand this, we must first understand the history of the church.
When the children of Israel were brought out of Egypt, the Highest God adopted them and no temple was mentioned. Jesus Christ was with them in a cloud by day and in a pillar of fire by night.*
Once the children of Israel sinned and the priesthood was established, it was at that time the Lord ordered a tent to be made for Him to dwell so that the non-rebellious children who wanted to go near the Lord could go out of the camp (meaning away from the common rebellious misbelieving people) and go serve their God, Jesus (Exodus 33 v7).
Does the Bible Say We Must Go to Church?
This is also what Paul meant for us today because many of my biblical scholar friends may say that going to church was a Levitical priesthood order. Hebrews 13:13, says that we also in like manner must go outside the normal camp.
Jesus was taken outside Jerusalem, outside the camp, when He was sacrificed (killed). Going outside the camp has a larger spiritual meaning that we are not going to study today, but overall as it pertains to the question, does the Bible say we have to go to church, we do.
Going to church or to a Holy gathering is our way of getting away from our normal schedule, our normal people, some who do not believe on Jesus Christ, to get closer to our God away from the camp.
Feed the Poor, Pray for the Oppressed…
There we will have a Holy gathering with like-minded people and praise our Lord and God, Jesus. Does this have to be the traditional church service where there is an opening prayer, scripture reading, announcements, choir singing, and sermon?
It could be something as simple as, governing affairs for the community. Bible study; how to reach more people; feeding the poor; or praying for people as you look for ways to provide their needs. Let’s not bottle God as past generations have done their best to do.
I truly pray blessings of peace, wisdom, understanding, and prosperity to you always, in the name of Jesus.
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U must b careful to say we must attend church or this will happen…., u follow me? To the newcomer or 1 that has a jaded view cuz of the ill welcome he got, are only a few considerations. Mine are: i cant b fed @ my previous church, the pastor doesnt prep the people for these last days. I do, however, endeavor daily studies & ive had the best fellowship with the Holyspirit! U r rite, every 1 can access digital srvcs on the net & i encourage that, but b careful somtimes it sounds like u dont attend church, u dont go to heaven
I understand what you’re saying brother Eric. I’ve made a few changes to the article just to bring more clarity. Thanks for being here; blessings!
Good article. Here at the end of time, the “church” is waiting and watching. The book of truth, promised to be open for us and mostly in Daniel 11, helps us understand how close we are to the end of the age. Church is every day, all day – “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” If you can spread the message of HIS soon return with the knowledge behind you, it’s the best thing to do. BTW, helps decipher the verses leading up to the abomination of desolation which is the 6th seal, great EQ and rapture of the church. Thanks for writing and accepting my post.
Thank you Dani, you speak the truth. Watch and pray.