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A Flying Roll in the Land of Shinar

A Flying Roll in the Land of Shinar: After the encounter and vision of the lampstand and the olive trees, I was shown another vision. I turned and looked up and saw a flying roll or scroll. The angel said to me again, “What do you see?” I replied that I saw a flying roll or scroll that was about thirty feet in length and fifteen feet in width.

The angel then said to me, “This is the curse that goes forward over the face of the whole earth. It is for everyone that steals; they will be cut off according to this side of the roll. Everyone that swears falsely, will be cut off according to the other side of the roll.”

The angel continued this time quoting the Lord of hosts directly. He said, “Thus says the Lord, I will bring it forward and it will enter into the house of the thief, and into the house of the person who swears falsely by my name.”

It is an Ephah…

Once again, the angel persisted, “And it will remain in such person’s house and it will consume their house and everything in and without the house.” The angel then moved about and said to me, “Look up and see this!” I asked what was it that I was supposed to see, and he said, “It’s an ephah.”

An ephah is like a big basket or pot and the angel said it represents the thinking of all the people in the earth. The angel commented, “there was a talent of lead over the ephah that was removed, and inside sat a woman in the midst of the ephah.”

He noted, “This woman is wickedness! She represents all evil” The angel threw the woman back into the ephah and shut the ephah with the talent of lead. When I looked up again, I saw two women came out and they were riding the wind with their wings.

Building a House in the land of Shinar

They had wings like a stork and flew above the earth in the ephah. I asked the angel, “where are they going with the ephah?” The angel replied, “They are going to build a house in the land of Shinar, and it will be established as their base and capital.”

Babylon, in the land of Shinar, is where they will build a house and establish the wickedness from the ephah to fill the whole earth. I awoke and I thought about the vision; a flying roll in the land of Shinar.

Selah (this article is based on Zechariah chapter 5)

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  1. Vero Vero

    The Ephah is UFOS

    • Yes, it very well may be Vero, an excellent pickup. At least what we call UFO’s today. However, it was identified as an ephah. UFO is unidentified flying object… this is an EFO, ephah flying object.

  2. Mike Mike

    he says what is it…he says”an ephah”….so it is not unidentified…so it can not be an UFO…it is a vision…he is not seeing demons in high tech crafts.

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