We (IKOP) believe in the DIVINE creation given in Genesis chapter 1 & 2; the earth was created without form, first the light, then the separation of the waters with the firmament; the gathering of the waters under the firmament on day three, which separated land and water under the firmament.
This brought forward the herbs, grass, and trees. Then the heavenly hosts and elements in the sky on day four were made, followed by, on day five, water creatures as well as the fowls of the air.
On day six, the land-based animals were created along with the main event, Adam, who was made in the image of the ALMIGHTY. True to form, Adam was given dominion over everything in the earth; everything was provided for him to rule over everything.
The final result or telling, it was all very good (Genesis 1).
The RULERS (GOD) created light, which represents a myriad of things.
- They created a separation of heavenly waters from earthly waters.
- The RULERS then gathered the waters under the firmament into their places.
- They were able then to allow the herbs, grass, and trees to flourish as the land appeared.
- The RULERS then created the heavenly hosts.
- This was followed by water-based and air mobilizing creatures on day five
- The RULERS then created land-based animals as well as Adam, the son of the RULERS made in their image!
- On day seven, the RULERS rested, but Adam, the son of the RULERS took a special interest in a rebellion.
We call the name GOD or ELOHIM, RULERS. In this instance because we want to really draw out what they are and that the word “GOD” is a plural and singular word. In chapter one, it is in the plural version because that is how it translated in Hebrew.
Clarity and Clarification of the GODHEAD
Nevertheless, both Old and New Testaments let us know that the SUPREME RULER (known as the FATHER in the New Testament, and as Yahweh/YAHAWAH/JEHOVAH/AHAYAH/YAHAYAH, among many derivations) gave all authority to the SON (CHRIST) to create and manifest all things under heaven.
This is the DIVINE Creation and it is marvelous the MOST-HIGH RULER (SUPREME RULER) is graciously sharing this with us all! See you soon!
From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. The disciples asked, “Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?” And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel. BibleStudyMinistry.com with KingdomOfPriests.com and PreacherHead Ministries are working together with others to usher in the Kingdom of the ALMIGHTY! Join us!
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