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Genesis 3 the Separation of Man from GOD

Genesis 3 the Separation of Man from GOD: We believe the ultimate rebellion took place that caused the man to become separated from his CREATOR. The very subtle serpent deceived the woman into taking the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. She and Adam were sentenced and punished for their transgression.

Living consequences did follow; a harsh hatred between the serpent and the woman, as well as between their seed would follow. The woman caused all women (her daughters) and spiritual women to have intense labor pains and monthly issues (ah-hem).

The man also incurred punishments of harsh labor and even death. The serpent was placed on his belly; he would eat dust all the days of his life. What are humans? “For dust, thou are, and to dust shalt thou return.” You get the picture!

Kicked Out of the Garden

Adam and the woman were displaced from the garden and kept away from the Tree of Life because of their rebellion. This is a sad and unfortunate state for the sons of Adam, so close to the time they were created (Genesis 3).

What a mighty detour; can he be redeemed? See you soon!


Principle: Obey, all Adam and Eve had to do was obey, hearken, and steer themselves away from lies.

History: It repeats itself because people overlook very simple principles and precepts. Look at the results of this chapter, the judgments on women, the judgments on men, and those upon the serpent and his seed. History is a revolving door to those unawares.

Prophecy: The woman and the serpent and their seeds have enmity against each other. Precept Revelation chapter 12 to gain a greater understanding of the gravity of what took place in Genesis chapter 3.

From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. The disciples asked, “Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?” And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel. with and PreacherHead Ministries are working together with others to usher in the Kingdom of the ALMIGHTY! Join us!

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