Chapter three of first Kings starts out with the description of the relationship Solomon made with the king of Egypt. The relationship was so strong, Solomon married one of the Pharaoh’s daughters and brought her to the city of David.
Solomon walked in the footsteps of his father David, and he loved the Lord, but he had a problem. His only problem was that he sacrificed and burnt incense in high places. He did this mainly because there was no house built to God yet.
God asks Solomon in a dream what it is he wants. Whatever it is, the Lord will give it to him. Solomon asked for the wisdom to rule God’s people righteously and wisely.
1 Kings Chapter 3 Summary
God decided to give Solomon riches and honor because he asked for understanding to discern judgment. He didn’t ask for a new car and big house like most people do and would do. We should take notes here.
Solomon’s wisdom was tested.
To put a test to the king’s wisdom, two women (described as harlots) came to him for judgment on a difficult matter. They both had babies and one lady killed her son on accident by sleeping on him in a heavy deep sleep.
However, upon awaking and realizing it, she tried to take the other lady’s son as her own. Solomon gave a good wisdom-filled reply; he decided to divide the living baby into two and give the divided child to each of them.
The woman whose baby died felt it good, so they both lose their babies, but the real mother, in her motherly love asked the king to keep the baby alive and give to the other woman.
The baby was awarded back to the mother, and Israel saw the judgment and wisdom of the king and had much respect for him because they saw the wisdom of God in him. And this is a summary of 1st Kings chapter 3.
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Very good describing
Bless the ALMIGHTY and may HE bless you Francis and your household. Thank you for commenting.
Elder Ishe