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2 Kings Chapter 17 Summary: Chapter Summaries

2 Kings chapter 17 summary began with the introduction of what would become the last king of Israel (in Samaria). His name was Hoshea. He was ruling when the king of Assyria invaded his land and forced taxes and servitude on Hoshea.

Hoshea complied (with Shalmaneser, king of Assyria) for a while, then he rebelled. When he rebelled, he was arrested and with him removed from daily administerial power, the Assyrian king invaded Israel again.

Three years later, he took Israel down and took the citizens into captivity to Assyria. The chapter then spun into a brief lamentation and narration of how stubborn the children of Israel were.

2 Kings Chapter 17 Summary

Both houses, Judah and Israel, were rebellious and so much so they were forced out of the land by their LORD and God. They refused to listen to the LORD’s prophets and worshipped idols very religiously.

They were noted as stubborn, just like their forefathers. First Israel rebelled and the LORD removed them, and only left Judah. Judah unwittingly (or not) followed the house of Israel, who followed Jeroboam (the son of Nebat), who introduced such strong rebellion into Israel.

The LORD was done and expelled them from the land by the Assyrian king. The Assyrian king brought in different people to live in the land in place of the children of Israel.

These people were mega sinners that God had to send lions in to grab their attention. This caused them to seek spiritual guidance from one who knew the land.

Still they served their own gods…

They asked the Assyrian king to send a priest who would teach them the manner of the God of the land. A priest was sent and taught them the rules of the land.

Nevertheless, they still served their gods, but at least they put some awareness and reverence towards the God of Israel. They feared God but served their own gods secretly, and this is still done to this day.

The chapter ended with the writer drumming into the mind of any reader of the fact that Israel did not listen to the LORD. They followed their own way like a rebellious teen and were thrown out of the house.

This is the summary of 2 Kings chapter 17, GLORY to the King of kings.


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  1. Regina Brown Regina Brown

    Trust God with all your soul, body and mind. You cannot secretly serve God and mammon. God is a jealous God!

    • Hey Regina, thanks for commenting and stopping by the site. Praise the ALMIGHTY.

  2. Kennedy Kennedy

    Now i know how jelous God is,that even if you are rotten to the core he will still seek your attention.

    • Jealous or loving merciful, compassionate; when you know you are the best option for someone, you may have to take wide actions to attempt to preserve them Kennedy. It may come off jealous but I think parents would do all they can to make sure their children stays on a right path… some of their actions may be viewed with a question mark. Thanks for your comment Kennedy, much love.

      Minister Koko

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