Numbers Chapter 26 Summary
Chapter 26 of Numbers begins with a war count. Moses was to take the number of the children of Israel ages 20 on up who are able to go to war.
The count began with the family of Reuben, and Simeon, Gad, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Manasseh, Ephraim (Joseph), Benjamin, Dan, Asher, and Naphtali.
The total number was 601,730.
This is a nice size military.
After this God gave the order for the inheritance of land. Larger numbered tribes or families were given more, smaller member families or tribes were given less.
This list was the same as the list of families to go to war, except it ended with the families of the Levites, who actually have no inheritance of actual land and aren’t numbered with the other tribes who receive land.
Instead, their inheritance is the Lord (not bad).
The final numbering or count did not include the men numbered in the wilderness of Sinai because God made sure they all died in the wilderness except Caleb and Joshua.
We pray the Father to add blessings to the reading and doing of His Holy Word through His Son Jesus the Messiah. Amen!
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