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The Folly Of Idolatry And Its Consequences

Welcome to, an online Bible Study Supplement Source; today we have wisdom scriptures, titled, The Folly Of Idolatry And Its Consequences.

Here is Wisdom:

Once again, someone preparing to set sail and face the raging waves first stops to pray. He calls upon a piece of wood, even more fragile than the ship carrying him. It was the desire for profit that led to its creation, and the craftsman built it with his skill.

But it is Your providence, O Father, that truly guides it; You created a way through the sea and a safe path through the waves. You showed that You can save from any danger—even if a man sails without skill. Yet, You did not intend for Your words and works of wisdom to go unused, and so people entrust their lives to a small piece of wood. Despite the rough seas and the weakness of the vessel, they are saved by Your hand.

In ancient times, when the proud giants were destroyed, the hope of the world, guided by Your hand, survived in a fragile vessel, leaving behind a seed for future generations. Enriched is the wood through which righteousness comes. But what is made by human hands is cursed—both the object and its maker. The maker, for creating it, and the object, because, though corruptible, it was called a god.

Idol Abomination

Both the ungodly and their wickedness are equally detestable to the Almighty Creator. What they create will be punished along with its maker. That’s why even the idols of the Gentiles will face judgment because these creations have become an abomination in the Almighty Creator’s sight. These idols lead people astray and become traps or stumbling blocks for the souls of men, causing the foolish to stumble.

The creation of idols was the start of spiritual unfaithfulness, and their invention led to the corruption of life. They were not there from the beginning, nor will they last forever. Brought into the world by the empty pride of men, they will soon come to an end.

A grieving father, struck by the loss of his child, created an image of his child who was taken too soon. In his sorrow, he began to honor that image as a god, even though it was simply a representation of the deceased.

The Creation of Idols

He then passed down rituals and sacrifices to those under his authority. Over time, this ungodly practice became entrenched, treated as if it were a law, and carved images began to be worshipped by the decree of kings.

When people couldn’t honor a ruler in person because he lived far away, they took a likeness of his face from a distance and made a detailed image of the king they revered. This way, they could flatter him as if he were there, even though he was absent. The craftsmanship of the artist only added to the ignorance, encouraging even more superstition. In their desire to please someone in power, the artist used all his skill to create the most lifelike and impressive image possible.

The crowd, captivated by the beauty of the artwork, began to worship the image as a god. Even though, not long before, it had simply been a symbol of honor. This became a way to deceive the world, as people, whether out of fear or oppression, started giving the sacred, untouchable name of Almighty Creator to mere stones and statues.

The Chaos of Ignorance

It wasn’t enough for them to simply stray from knowing the Creator Almighty. No, they were lost in the chaos of ignorance, even calling their terrible afflictions “peace.” While they sacrificed their own children, performed secret rituals, and held wild celebrations of strange customs, they no longer kept their lives or marriages pure. Instead, they betrayed one another with murder or inflicted pain through adultery.

As a result, all people, without exception, were consumed by bloodshed, murder, theft, and deceit. Corruption, betrayal, chaos, and false oaths ruled their lives. The righteous were harassed, kindness was forgotten, souls were defiled, and natural order was abandoned. Marriages were disordered, adultery was rampant, and shameless acts of impurity became the norm.

The worship of nameless idols is the root, the cause, and the end of all evil. People either lose their minds in their joy, speak false prophecies, live unjustly, or easily break their promises.

No Respect for Holiness

Since they place their trust in lifeless idols, they don’t fear any consequences, even when they lie under oath. But for these reasons, they will be rightfully punished. Both for their failure to honor the Creator. They honor him not by turning to idols, and for swearing deceitfully, showing no respect for holiness.

It’s not the power of those idols they swear by, but the just punishment of sinners that always brings judgment upon the ungodly.

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This was a rewritten version of Wisdom of Solomon Chapter 14!

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Power be with you.

Minister Koko

Consul General, AKOPPI

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