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Only Caleb and Joshua: History of Israel

In addition to the terrible defeat (see the previous post), God decided to spread disease on those ten men who gave the evil report. And as mentioned, the LORD didn’t allow that generation (who did not believe) to enter into the Promised Land.

Only Caleb and Joshua were allowed to see the promised land and to outlive that generation that rebelled. On top of this, Israel went through internal rebellions as well as the external ones. One of the external rebellions came from the king of Moab named Balak.

He hired a priest named Balaam to put a curse on the children of Israel. It didn’t work because God wouldn’t allow it, but he was successful to get Israel to stumble. He was able to do this by luring them with women and fornication. 

This just so happens to be something that still works today; TV screens and mobile phones are always loaded with images of barely dressed women. This to entice and lure young men and men, young girls and women, to live a fornicating lifestyle! To be continued…


(Continue the Story…)

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