Here we are in Matthew chapter 25 summary, and the LORD Jesus is teaching. He began the chapter with a story or parable about ten virgins. Ten virgins had lamps and needed oil to light the lamps as they waited for the bridegroom.
Five of the virgins were wise, the other five were foolish; the wise had enough oil. The foolish virgins did not keep enough oil. They fell asleep and were awaken by an alarm of the arrival of the bridegroom.
The foolish needed to borrow oil from the wise; the wise declined and had the foolish virgins go to the market to buy oil. When they got back, the bridegroom had already shut the door; worse than that he proclaimed not to know the foolish virgins.
Matthew Chapter 25 Summary
The chapter then transitioned to another story or parable about three different stewards to a lord. The lord passed out talents to the three stewards, five, two, and one respectively. The first and second stewards doubled their talents; the last steward hid his talent in the earth to protect it.
When the lord returned, he was happy with the first two stewards for their diligence and righteousness. The last steward was called slothful and wicked because he knew his lord was a hard man, reaping where he hadn’t sown.
He was told that he should have worked his talent to give back to his lord with interest. The first two were faithful with small and promised bigger things to manage. The last was thrown into outer darkness with weeping and the gnashing of teeth.
Be a Profitable Steward
The moral of the stories; be a profitable steward. Finally, the chapter goes into Jesus as He spoke about when the Son of man will come in His glory. First He will separate the nations like a shepherd does his sheep and goats. The sheep will be to His right, the goats to the left.
The sheep will be blessed of His Father and will inherit a kingdom prepared from the foundation because they took care of the King’s least servants. The goats to the right will inherit misery because they selfishly ignored the King’s least servants.
Take care of others and become the best version of yourself with the talents the Father has given you. This is the summary of Matthew chapter 25, glory to the King of kings.
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