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Lifestyles: When Physical Laws Become Spiritual

Lifestyles: When Physical Laws Become Spiritual

When Physical Laws Become Spiritual

Welcome to (BSM), your online bible study supplement source. Today we’re looking into lifestyles of those fit for the Kingdom of God. It is part of our lifestyle series, where we share something we are suppose to incorporate into our lifestyle. Back to lifestyles!

The children of Israel were an example for the entire world for good or bad. Their laws were physical. However, God has required in this generation, even in the New Covenant, for those physical laws to become spiritual.

What this means is that we cannot have ought against anyone, even our enemies. Killing is not just a physical act anymore, it is a spiritual act. When you are angry with your brother or sister without a reason, you endanger yourself of being blotted out of the Kingdom of God.

We don’t want that do we?

This is the reality when physical laws become spiritual. Committing fornication or adultery is no longer a physical act only, but a spiritual one also. In this new reality taught by Jesus Christ, daydreaming or pondering over laying with your neighbor’s wife is violating the principle of adultery.

Our lifestyle has to tighten up mentally, we have to become even more diligent in hour we live, in mind, in body, and in spirit. This is the reality when physical laws become spiritual. Be spiritual my friend, be spiritual.

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BSM also believes the Bible has a lot of profound and practical wisdom everyone can use in the journey of life and towards the Kingdom of the Lord.

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