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Joshua Chapter 3 Summary

Joshua Chapter 3 Summary: Chapter 3 of Joshua begins with Joshua ordering the people to move or be ready to move when they see the Ark of the Covenant transported by the priests.

God also cues Joshua in that He will magnify Joshua before the people so that they know God is with him as God was with Moses.

God’s got to get the people to honor and respect His chosen leaders. Joshua then informed the people that God will not fail to drive out the Canaanite peoples of the land for them to inherit it.

In addition, God says they should gather and be ready to cross the Jordan following the priests who will bear the Ark of the Covenant before them.

Joshua Chapter 3 Summary

The Jordan is always full (of water), but when the priests walked into it with the Ark of the Covenant, the waters which came down from above stood and rose up like a high heap.

The priests, and the children of Jacob walked across on dry ground, just as they did the Sea when leaving Egypt.

This was a powerful showcase move, much like the Sea parting in Moses’ day. This act magnified Joshua in the eyes of the people and showed the people that God was with them. He was with Joshua leading them into going into the Promised Land.

We pray the Father to add blessings to the reading and doing of His Holy Word through His Son, the Messiah. Amen!

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