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Joshua Chapter 24 Summary: Chapter Summaries

Joshua chapter 24 summary, the final chapter in Joshua began with Joshua and his summons. He summoned all the heads of the tribes and the elders and retold Israel’s history.

The military leader and captain of Israel spoke of their fathers who dwelt on the other side of the flood in old time. Ancestors such as Eber and Terah, Abraham’s father that they served other gods. Abraham was called out of his family to possess the land of Canaan.

Abraham began with Isaac, whom God gave Jacob and Esau. Jacob went into Egypt, and God brought them out as a great nation and destroyed Egypt in the process. Joshua, through the Word of God, continued to recount the history of Israel, including all of what God had done for His people.

Joshua Chapter 24 Summary

An example was how God sent hornets into the land to drive the people out. In that case, Israel didn’t need to fight with the sword. They were given land by God, which they did not labor for and inherited cities, which they did not build.

Therefore, Joshua commanded Israel to fear God and serve the LORD in sincerity and truth. He commanded they get rid of any gods, which their fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt, and only serve the God of Israel.

The people proclaimed they would serve the LORD God of Israel, only (but many would have their spiritual fingers crossed). Joshua then made a covenant with the people that day, setting up a statute and ordinance in Shechem.

He also wrote those words in the book of the law of God as a witness to them. The general informed the people that the book and the stone he wrote on has heard all the words of the LORD, which God spoke to them.

After this, Joshua died at the age of 110 and he was buried. He didn’t set up a successor behind him. Israel served the LORD all of Joshua’s days and all the days of the elders that outlived Joshua who knew the LORD.

This is the summary of Joshua chapter 24, and this has been the summaries of the book of Joshua. Glory to Yah on High.


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