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Joshua Chapter 16 Summary: Chapter Summaries

Joshua chapter 16 summary is a short chapter detailing a lot of land to the sons of Joseph. The lot or inheritance of land for the children of Joseph fell from Jordan by Jericho to the wilderness near Mount Bethel.

The children of Joseph were a double tribe of both Joseph’s sons, Manasseh and Ephraim. They inherited the eastside from Atarothaddar all the way to the upper Bethhoron.

Joshua Chapter 16 Summary

It also stretched towards the northside by Michmethah, coming back east to Taanathshiloh. Besides reaching the border of a bunch of towns most people can’t pronounce, the chapter concluded with unfortunate news.

The children of Joseph were unable to fully drive out all of the Canaanites that lived in Gezer. Still, many Canaanites lived among the Ephraimites to the very writing of this book of Joshua.

The Canaanites, however, paid tribute and were servants to the children of Joseph as they remained. This is the summary of Joshua chapter 16, glory to Yah.


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