When the young googly eyed Jacob arrived in Pandanaran and united with his mother’s family, he did not know the encounter would completely change the course of his life. He was unaware that the phrase, “It must not be so done in our country,” would alter how his family would look.
He first met his future wife, the beautiful Rachel. From there he met the rest of the family. This is when he met his father-in-law and uncle, Laban. Young Jacob thought he would marry his sweetheart Rachel but he was unaware of a custom that took place in Syria.
The custom was if there were two or more sisters the oldest sister would marry first. Unfortunately, they did not allow Jacob in on that information prior to his agreement to work seven years for the beautiful Rachel. At the completion of the seven years, a big feast is put together and scholars suppose Jacob was made drunk by the family of Laban so they could install Leah into Jacob’s tent to become his wife instead of Rachel.
It Must Not Be So Done in Our Country
And this is exactly what happened. The following morning Jacob realized what happened! He confronted his father-in-law asking why he was tricked and duped? Laban responded by saying, “It must not be so done in our country, to give the younger before the firstborn.”
To make a long story short, Jacob had to work another seven years for his true love Rachel. This story probably still frustrates many people who read it. However, this is where we have to pay attention to Laban’s words. He said that it must not be so done in our country.
There are some things we just don’t do, or there are some things that we do! To keep a custom or a law or rule is something a country, individual, or family has to uphold in order for there to be a standard. While this brash move of deception was not something Jacob wanted, he could have prevented it.
How far will you go for your country or cultural standards…?
But what we are interested in is the level or extent in which Laban would go to keep a custom. A lot went down for him to maintain what must be done in his country. It made me ask, how far would I go to maintain a principle or an ordinance of the Lord?
How far are you going for your standards and what must be done in your country? How far are you going in your household, in your mind, your daily activities, in your business, and in your relationships? These are things we have to dwell on and make sure that we thoroughly take the right actions daily.
It must not be so done in our country!
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