I Will Mar the Pride of Judah and Jerusalem, Jeremiah 13 Reframe, BibleStudyMinistry.com. This is what the Sovereign LORD said to me; “Go buy yourself a linen loincloth and put it around your waist, but do not let it touch any water.”
So I bought a loincloth as the Sovereign LORD commanded me and I put it around my waist. Then the word of the Sovereign LORD came to me a second time saying, “Take the loincloth you bought and are wearing and go at once to Perath and hide it there in a crevice of the rocks.”
So I went and hit it at Perath as the Sovereign LORD commanded of me. Now as it would be, many days later, the Sovereign LORD said to me, “Arise, go to Perath and get the loincloth that I commanded you to hide there.”
Mar the Pride of Judah
Once again, I went to Perath, as commanded, and dug up the loincloth, and I took it from the place where I had hidden it. However, now it was ruined, it was marred of no use at all.
Then the word of the Sovereign LORD came to me and said, “This is what the Sovereign LORD says, in the same way, I will mar the pride of Judah and the great pride of Jerusalem.
These evil people, who refuse to listen to My words, who follow the stubbornness of their own hearts, and who go after other gods to serve and worship them; they will be like that loincloth.
They will be of no profit and use at all. Just like a loincloth clings to a man’s waist, so have I made the whole house of Israel and Judah cling to Me, declares the Sovereign LORD.
Fill the Land with Drunkenness
I did this so they might be My people for My name, My reputation, My praise, and glory; but they would not and did not listen. Therefore you are to tell them that this is what the Sovereign LORD, the ALMIGHTY of Israel says, ‘Every wineskin shall be filled with wine.’
And when they reply ‘Don’t we surely know that every wineskin should be filled with wine?’ Then you are to tell them that this is what the Sovereign LORD says; ‘I am going to fill all who live in this land with drunkenness.
From the kings who preside on David’s throne, the priests, the prophets, and all the people of Jerusalem. I will dash and smash them against each other, fathers against sons alike, declares the Sovereign LORD.
Overflowing with Tears
I will allow no mercy, no pity, and no compassion to keep Me from destroying them.” Listen and give heed. Do not be arrogant, swallow your pride, for the Sovereign LORD has spoken.
Give glory to the Most-HIGH, your ALMIGHTY Maker before He brings darkness, before your feet and you stumble in the twilight mountains. You’ll wait for light, but He turns it into deep gloom and thick gross darkness.
But if you do not listen, I will weep alone because of your pride; My eyes will overflow with tears because the ALMIGHTY’s flock will be taken captive. Tell the king and the queen, the queen mother also, “Take a lowly seat because your principalities, your glorious crowns have fallen from your heads.
The Multitude of Your Iniquities
The cities of the Negev have been shut tight, and no one can open them. All of Judah has been carried into exile, completely taken captive. Open your eyes and see those coming from the north.
Where is the flock entrusted to you, the sheep that were your pride and beauty? What will you say when He sets over you close allies whom you yourself trained; will not pangs of anguish overcome you, won’t it grip you as they do a woman in labor?
And if you ask yourself, O Judah, “Why has this happened to me?” This is the answer, it is because of the multitude and magnitude of your iniquity! Your skirts have been stripped off, your body is exposed; everyone sees you for who you are.
Trusting in Falsehoods
Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard his spots? Neither are you able to do good who are accustomed to doing evil! “I will scatter you like stubble driven by the desert wind.
This is your lot, the portion I have measured to you,” declares the Sovereign LORD, “Because you have forgotten Me and trusted in falsehood. So I will pull your skirts up over your face, that your shame may be seen.
Your adulteries and lustful neighings, your shameless prostitution and fornication on the hills and in the fields, I have seen it all, all of your detestable acts. Woe to you, O Jerusalem! How long will you remain an unclean vessel?”

Chapter Remarks
The Most-High and His parables; when the prophet Nathan explained to King David how wicked his actions were against Uriah the Hittite, David got the picture. Everyone should get the picture from the ALMIGHTY’s parables against the children of Israel’s actions.
First, here in Jeremiah 13, the prophet had to go buy a new loincloth and hide it in a tunnel of water. After some time, he would go retrieve the loincloth and found it destroyed and too marred, it was good for nothing. He certainly couldn’t wear it any longer.
The ALMIGHTY then tells the prophet, this is the manner in which He will mar the pride of Judah and the great pride of Jerusalem. After a while, they will be good for nothing! The evil people of Judah and Jerusalem refuse to hear the words of their Creator.
Doing the Same for Different Results?
They walk to their own evil imaginations after other gods, therefore, they are good for nothing. Don’t laugh, O ye nations today, as the nations today are walking in much the same fashion and getting worse.
Do we think we are going to get a different result than that which the children of Israel received? The MOST-HIGH Elohim gives us what we are constantly seeking. If it is knowledge of the Holy, we receive it; if it is evil and pride, we receive.
This is what He promised to the people of Israel who walked in the imaginations of their own hearts; He promised them drunkenness.
Spiritual or Physical Drunkenness
He filled every bottle with wine, but not the “Domaine Leroy Musigny Grand Cru, Cote de Nuits, France,” or the “Henri Jayer Cros Parantoux, Vosne-Romanee Premier Cru, France (top wines of the world, they say),” but spiritual cheap wines.
They will become so drunk they would not even take notice of how they are being dashed one against another. The ALMIGHTY will have no pity for them, will not spare them, no mercy or compassion; He will allow them to be destroyed.
His mercy is in sending His prophets to tell you to listen and be not proud. Give glory to our Creator before He clothes you in darkness as He did the children of Israel. You do not want to be in darkness in the coming years on this earth, because the earth will be in great gross darkness.
This is Ever a Time to Repent
The inhabitants of the earth will not know what is going on when the true, true commotion hits the earth. Judah and Jerusalem refused to hear Jeremiah and men and women like him; now they weep with tears running down because they were carried away captive.
For someone not warned, there is a lot more compassion and sympathy for them. However, for someone who was warned over and over again, and chose not to listen, when you see them crying, you have smaller or no compassion.
You want to say or say, “Stop crying, you wanted this, now drink your coffee, as bitter as it is. Most importantly, repent!” The prophet Jeremiah was sent to the king and mother queens to no avail; he warned them of troubles coming from the north to no avail.
Training the Enemy
Verse 21 asked the kingdom of Judah, what will they say and do when Babylon comes and punishes them? Judah trained Babylon’s military, how will they feel when those they train take them down?
That’s a horrible feeling; the USA will feel the same way when the nations they trained in military operations come against them and knocks them down (I never did fully understand training your “enemies” in anything).
The Creator concludes that a leopard can’t hide or change his spots, neither can a Cushite change his skin, so also, neither can someone accustomed to doing evil do good. Hence, the sentence was established in stone, captivity, and scattered throughout the nations until the dispensation of the times.
Visitation for All Lewdness and Abominations
This is Judah and Israel’s lot and portion because they have forgotten their Creator and ALMIGHTY. They trusted in falsehoods, and this is why the Psalm 83 nations put forward their best efforts to keep the children of Israel submerged in darkness.
They worked hard to keep them in vanity, and things that mean absolutely nothing. Leave adulteries, fornications, lewdness, and all the abominations that transgress the Holy Order and the Holy Covenant.
Repent and come back to your Father in Heaven by way of His Christ, the Holy Order of the Son of Elohim. Praise ye the LORD!

Thank you for being here, reading, or listening to this post.
We’re grateful for you and pray you’ve been edified in the name of the Word of ELOHIM. We pray peace, blessings, and healing over you and your household and we pray the blessings of the Holy Spirit for the fullness of the Gospel to be presented to you.
CHRIST came and said, “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. His disciples asked, “Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?” This reminds us the LORD ALMIGHTY said, “And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.
This whole thing is about the Kingdom of ELOHIM. Each of us will find ourselves on one side of His Kingdom, and it is drawing nearer than many of us can actually perceive. If you have any questions, leave them in the comment section or contact us on our contact page.
BibleStudyMinistry.com with KingdomOfPriests.com are working together with others to usher in the Kingdom of the ALMIGHTY! Join us!
PLEASE share this Post with OTHERS; it is time for the history, prophecy, and principles to be brought out! Leave a comment also!
2021 will be a revealing year, stay close to the prophets of the ALMIGHTY!
Bawl Outs:
These are similar to “Shout Outs” but we just like how “Bawl Out” sounds better. What’s this about?
We asked our subscribers and readers to help participate in the spreading of the gospel, which is the Holy Endowment from the Father to keep His Commandments and obey the testimony of His Son, His Majesty, the LORD Yashaya (Jesus) the Christ.
We humbly asked for 25 people to give $20 (or more) a month for us to do a special mission to keep this content flowing and in different forms for those outside the nation to grow and learn the true history, understand the verified principles, and prepare well by knowing the faithful prophecies soon to come upon all of us.
Immediately upon asking, we received, and are very thankful for those saints moved to contribute. So we have a shout out, excuse us, “Bawl Out,” section now to spread love and create a family atmosphere here:
Bawl Out
Bawl out to brother Josiah out of Maryland, bawl out to sister Jennifer out of Illinois, bawl out to brother David out of Illinois, Jonathan of Illinois, what’s to brother Wada in NYC, sister Blessing in ATL, also bro Tee in ATL, much love to sister Rebecca in Cali, brother Micha’el in Illinois, and sis Israel in Texas. The ALMIGHTY bless you for your gift and contribution.
If you’d like to Bawl Out and Support this mission, please use the link below or Zelle and contribute as you are moved! Thank you and may the Most-High bless and keep you!
Our Zelle is yourbiblestudy@biblestudyministry.com
Share the article on your favorite social media outlet; help the Word flow out into all nations!
I Will Mar the Pride of Judah and Jerusalem
I Will Mar the Pride of Judah and Jerusalem, Jeremiah 13 Reframe, BibleStudyMinistry.com. This is what the Sovereign LORD said to me; “Go buy yourself a linen loincloth and put it around your waist, but do not let it touch any water.”
So I bought a loincloth as the Sovereign LORD commanded me and I put it around my waist. Then the word of the Sovereign LORD came to me a second time saying, “Take the loincloth you bought and are wearing and go at once to Perath and hide it there in a crevice of the rocks.”
So I went and hit it at Perath as the Sovereign LORD commanded of me. Now as it would be, many days later, the Sovereign LORD said to me, “Arise, go to Perath and get the loincloth that I commanded you to hide there.”
Mar the Pride of Judah
Once again, I went to Perath, as commanded, and dug up the loincloth, and I took it from the place where I had hidden it. However, now it was ruined, it was marred of no use at all.
Then the word of the Sovereign LORD came to me and said, “This is what the Sovereign LORD says, in the same way, I will mar the pride of Judah and the great pride of Jerusalem.
These evil people, who refuse to listen to My words, who follow the stubbornness of their own hearts, and who go after other gods to serve and worship them; they will be like that loincloth.
They will be of no profit and use at all. Just like a loincloth clings to a man’s waist, so have I made the whole house of Israel and Judah cling to Me, declares the Sovereign LORD.
Fill the Land with Drunkenness
I did this so they might be My people for My name, My reputation, My praise, and glory; but they would not and did not listen. Therefore you are to tell them that this is what the Sovereign LORD, the ALMIGHTY of Israel says, ‘Every wineskin shall be filled with wine.’
And when they reply ‘Don’t we surely know that every wineskin should be filled with wine?’ Then you are to tell them that this is what the Sovereign LORD says; ‘I am going to fill all who live in this land with drunkenness.
From the kings who preside on David’s throne, the priests, the prophets, and all the people of Jerusalem. I will dash and smash them against each other, fathers against sons alike, declares the Sovereign LORD.
Overflowing with Tears
I will allow no mercy, no pity, and no compassion to keep Me from destroying them.” Listen and give heed. Do not be arrogant, swallow your pride, for the Sovereign LORD has spoken.
Give glory to the Most-HIGH, your ALMIGHTY Maker before He brings darkness, before your feet and you stumble in the twilight mountains. You’ll wait for light, but He turns it into deep gloom and thick gross darkness.
But if you do not listen, I will weep alone because of your pride; My eyes will overflow with tears because the ALMIGHTY’s flock will be taken captive. Tell the king and the queen, the queen mother also, “Take a lowly seat because your principalities, your glorious crowns have fallen from your heads.
The Multitude of Your Iniquities
The cities of the Negev have been shut tight, and no one can open them. All of Judah has been carried into exile, completely taken captive. Open your eyes and see those coming from the north.
Where is the flock entrusted to you, the sheep that were your pride and beauty? What will you say when He sets over you close allies whom you yourself trained; will not pangs of anguish overcome you, won’t it grip you as they do a woman in labor?
And if you ask yourself, O Judah, “Why has this happened to me?” This is the answer, it is because of the multitude and magnitude of your iniquity! Your skirts have been stripped off, your body is exposed; everyone sees you for who you are.
Trusting in Falsehoods
Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard his spots? Neither are you able to do good who are accustomed to doing evil! “I will scatter you like stubble driven by the desert wind.
This is your lot, the portion I have measured to you,” declares the Sovereign LORD, “Because you have forgotten Me and trusted in falsehood. So I will pull your skirts up over your face, that your shame may be seen.
Your adulteries and lustful neighings, your shameless prostitution and fornication on the hills and in the fields, I have seen it all, all of your detestable acts. Woe to you, O Jerusalem! How long will you remain an unclean vessel?”
Chapter Remarks
The Most-High and His parables; when the prophet Nathan explained to King David how wicked his actions were against Uriah the Hittite, David got the picture. Everyone should get the picture from the ALMIGHTY’s parables against the children of Israel’s actions.
First, here in Jeremiah 13, the prophet had to go buy a new loincloth and hide it in a tunnel of water. After some time, he would go retrieve the loincloth and found it destroyed and too marred, it was good for nothing. He certainly couldn’t wear it any longer.
The ALMIGHTY then tells the prophet, this is the manner in which He will mar the pride of Judah and the great pride of Jerusalem. After a while, they will be good for nothing! The evil people of Judah and Jerusalem refuse to hear the words of their Creator.
Doing the Same for Different Results?
They walk to their own evil imaginations after other gods, therefore, they are good for nothing. Don’t laugh, O ye nations today, as the nations today are walking in much the same fashion and getting worse.
Do we think we are going to get a different result than that which the children of Israel received? The MOST-HIGH Elohim gives us what we are constantly seeking. If it is knowledge of the Holy, we receive it; if it is evil and pride, we receive.
This is what He promised to the people of Israel who walked in the imaginations of their own hearts; He promised them drunkenness.
Spiritual or Physical Drunkenness
He filled every bottle with wine, but not the “Domaine Leroy Musigny Grand Cru, Cote de Nuits, France,” or the “Henri Jayer Cros Parantoux, Vosne-Romanee Premier Cru, France (top wines of the world, they say),” but spiritual cheap wines.
They will become so drunk they would not even take notice of how they are being dashed one against another. The ALMIGHTY will have no pity for them, will not spare them, no mercy or compassion; He will allow them to be destroyed.
His mercy is in sending His prophets to tell you to listen and be not proud. Give glory to our Creator before He clothes you in darkness as He did the children of Israel. You do not want to be in darkness in the coming years on this earth, because the earth will be in great gross darkness.
This is Ever a Time to Repent
The inhabitants of the earth will not know what is going on when the true, true commotion hits the earth. Judah and Jerusalem refused to hear Jeremiah and men and women like him; now they weep with tears running down because they were carried away captive.
For someone not warned, there is a lot more compassion and sympathy for them. However, for someone who was warned over and over again, and chose not to listen, when you see them crying, you have smaller or no compassion.
You want to say or say, “Stop crying, you wanted this, now drink your coffee, as bitter as it is. Most importantly, repent!” The prophet Jeremiah was sent to the king and mother queens to no avail; he warned them of troubles coming from the north to no avail.
Training the Enemy
Verse 21 asked the kingdom of Judah, what will they say and do when Babylon comes and punishes them? Judah trained Babylon’s military, how will they feel when those they train take them down?
That’s a horrible feeling; the USA will feel the same way when the nations they trained in military operations come against them and knocks them down (I never did fully understand training your “enemies” in anything).
The Creator concludes that a leopard can’t hide or change his spots, neither can a Cushite change his skin, so also, neither can someone accustomed to doing evil do good. Hence, the sentence was established in stone, captivity, and scattered throughout the nations until the dispensation of the times.
Visitation for All Lewdness and Abominations
This is Judah and Israel’s lot and portion because they have forgotten their Creator and ALMIGHTY. They trusted in falsehoods, and this is why the Psalm 83 nations put forward their best efforts to keep the children of Israel submerged in darkness.
They worked hard to keep them in vanity, and things that mean absolutely nothing. Leave adulteries, fornications, lewdness, and all the abominations that transgress the Holy Order and the Holy Covenant.
Repent and come back to your Father in Heaven by way of His Christ, the Holy Order of the Son of Elohim. Praise ye the LORD!
Thank you for being here, reading, or listening to this post.
We’re grateful for you and pray you’ve been edified in the name of the Word of ELOHIM. We pray peace, blessings, and healing over you and your household and we pray the blessings of the Holy Spirit for the fullness of the Gospel to be presented to you.
CHRIST came and said, “Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. His disciples asked, “Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?” This reminds us the LORD ALMIGHTY said, “And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.
This whole thing is about the Kingdom of ELOHIM. Each of us will find ourselves on one side of His Kingdom, and it is drawing nearer than many of us can actually perceive. If you have any questions, leave them in the comment section or contact us on our contact page.
2022 is 2012 The End of USA Domination is Near
BibleStudyMinistry.com with KingdomOfPriests.com are working together with others to usher in the Kingdom of the ALMIGHTY! Join us!
PLEASE share this Post with OTHERS; it is time for the history, prophecy, and principles to be brought out! Leave a comment also!
2021 will be a revealing year, stay close to the prophets of the ALMIGHTY!
Bawl Outs:
These are similar to “Shout Outs” but we just like how “Bawl Out” sounds better. What’s this about?
We asked our subscribers and readers to help participate in the spreading of the gospel, which is the Holy Endowment from the Father to keep His Commandments and obey the testimony of His Son, His Majesty, the LORD Yashaya (Jesus) the Christ.
We humbly asked for 25 people to give $20 (or more) a month for us to do a special mission to keep this content flowing and in different forms for those outside the nation to grow and learn the true history, understand the verified principles, and prepare well by knowing the faithful prophecies soon to come upon all of us.
Immediately upon asking, we received, and are very thankful for those saints moved to contribute. So we have a shout out, excuse us, “Bawl Out,” section now to spread love and create a family atmosphere here:
Bawl Out
Bawl out to brother Josiah out of Maryland, bawl out to sister Jennifer out of Illinois, bawl out to brother David out of Illinois, Jonathan of Illinois, what’s to brother Wada in NYC, sister Blessing in ATL, also bro Tee in ATL, much love to sister Rebecca in Cali, brother Micha’el in Illinois, and sis Israel in Texas. The ALMIGHTY bless you for your gift and contribution.
If you’d like to Bawl Out and Support this mission, please use the link below or Zelle and contribute as you are moved! Thank you and may the Most-High bless and keep you!
Give and Bawl Out
Our Zelle is yourbiblestudy@biblestudyministry.com
Published in Chapter Commentary and Jeremiah