There is no perfect person, let alone a perfect Christian. We all backslide or fall short of the glory of God. We slip when it comes to maintaining our Godly ways.
For many this is because we lose sight of our end goal. Personal achievement gurus will tell you in order to be successful; you have to focus on a definite chief aim.
I believe they get this from Jesus as He tells us what our chief aim should be; seeking the Kingdom of God. For success we should have a definite chief aim for the world we live in today and the world we are seeking tomorrow.
I’m going to show you how in this brief article.
In Matthew six and verse 33, Jesus teaches His disciples to go for the Kingdom of God first, and then ‘worry’ about things like clothing, food, and shelter. This means that seeking God’s kingdom should be the definite chief aim for all Christians.
Getting into God’s kingdom is not the easiest of task. Your life work will be examined. Your works and your faithwill be the main areas of assessment. Jesus stated that flesh and blood cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. This is to show that Father’s Kingdom is not going to be of the world we live in now, but to come.
The way this works is simple.
We can do it for our physical and spiritual lives. The initial step is to decide upon a definite chief aim. For Christians to fair well there has to be an ultimate goal you are looking to achieve. Solomon, one of the great kings of Israel wrote man’s complete duty is to fear God and keep His commandments (Eccl 12 v13).
As Christians, our main goal is to please our God. Next, we should write on paper our major goal, preferably in our own handwriting. This way we can see and read it every day. After this we then drum together a plan with steps to take to get us to our definite chief aim.
The Definite Chief Aim
Last, we encircle ourselves with people with like goals and qualities that will aid the group in moving towards that chief aim. Because pleasing God is the Christians definite chief aim, it is imperative to thoroughly learn about Him.
This is done by getting into a good Bible Study ministry or group and individually reading God’s Word daily with understanding. The days are long gone when you just go to church to dance, sing, fashion, get motivated, get tired, and go home.
You must now study to really know about the God within the pages of the Bible. There are things in the Bible that will offend every person alive, but it is critical to take it as is. God is not going to bend for us; we must bend and mend our lives for Him.
Biblical Understanding
By this we must get rid of traditions we grew up with that may have included false teachings of Jesus Christ in them. Once we have increased in Biblical understanding of Jesus Christ, it is time to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus.
Lastly, the idea or goal to please God is a good start in deciding upon a definite chief aim. As we look to achieve things in life, Christians getting into God’s Kingdom to live forever in righteousness should be atop the list.
In doing this, we will by default obtain all of the other things on our list of goals because the Word of God cannot fail. All of these things will be added to us. We become successful in life and as Christians based on our character and the level of happiness and righteousness we have.
Seek the Kingdom of God
Material possessions are important because they make us ‘feel’ good or better. However the thing that will make us flourish is seeking the Kingdom of God. Keeping a definite chief aim will keep you focused every day. Seeking God’s Kingdom as your chief aim will ultimately become your reality at the appointed time.
In the Father’s kingdom, there is joy, peace, and everlasting riches. Riches you can begin receiving today, and are certain to receive then. Stay focused on His Word, God bless you.
Koko Ishe
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